OT Science Lab - 1 year study - who’s up for it? [LAUNCHED]

Thread is making me want to pick up an Octatrack again… Really need to stop being an idiot and selling it when things get tough.


Well, I’m starting from an effective OT zero point so it’s 6 and two 3’s to me exactly when we start… currently cramming the manual while eating lunch at work to try and get up to speed. That said, I’m also quite excited to get started.


This gap between announcement and kickoff has actually been really good for me.

It’s giving me time to think about constraints, specifically that I want the entire rig for this project to fit in a backpack, and something I can travel with during the year to tell the story, with the Octatrack as the scribe…

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You have one year. :content:

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I’m very interested. Besides all the other machines that play well together and fulfill each other, I always feel like the Octatrack needs to be on its own to really shine. I always wanted to focus more on it’s own, as it was my first elektron box. So this lab would be the perfect opportunity for me.

Ha - I’ve been doing this for the past week or two as well! I’ve actually spent more time reading the manual than actually getting hands on with it. Believe it or not, I think it’s actually helping (imagine that!). I finished a mini-project with Digitone. so now I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and dig into the OT for a little while. :+1::+1:

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You romantic! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::joy:

that’s my experience too. Although it works nicely as mixer, sampler and midi sequencer, I only really use it extensively for experiments when I don’t use anything else.
I really loved @sezare56 's last “science labs” with the metronome and the comb filter. The more you are limited in sources, the more you recognize the power and creative possibilities the OT offers


Waaaaaay late to the party here. I lurked on this thread earlier. I’m totally up for something of a challenge. I really like the idea of forcing myself to do one “fully OT” composition a month. Some guidance/rules sound good. Yeah. I’m in.

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To me the ‘shine’ of the Octatrack is its flexibility and modularity in how you set it up. There’s nothing like it in a somewhat ‘fixed’ architecture.


A great idea, I’m in! Reminds me of the currently ongoing challenge February Album Writing Month (14 songs in 28 days). I did it a couple of times and it taught me a lot about songwriting.

I’m totally in. OT noob here, so this is a fantastic way to learn. I’m already doing everything on the Octa anyway.

I also like the idea of monthly themes. I love limitations.





I’m interested in joining this as well. Just discovered the thread now. Can we use 2 Octatracks?


Total newbie. Bought an Octatrack 6 months ago but due to family and work haven’t had to time to dive in and make the most of it.

I think it’s a great idea and would be totally up for doing it :slight_smile:


Just wanted to pop in and say I’m game!


I’m in.


You only use one to do the challenges, but the second could be used as a recorder, although not required.

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Hi everyone. My first post on Elektronauts after lurking for a few years.

This Lab has really caught my attention and I’m very interested in joining. I got my OT about 3 years ago and have been slowly learning it, but time/life/blah I’ve not dug in like I want, so this seems like a great motivation and opportunity.

I was really keen when it was first posted as a kind of open, exploratory year… then the idea of the monthly stuff has me hesitating slightly but I’ll wait and see what they look like and I’m sure it will be great :grinning:

So anyway - thanks for getting this going, I’m in, as best I can.
