OT Science Lab: Remix the Worst Band Ever

another nice one, that’s a clean kick you pulled out, the source kick was really muddy

another nice one, that’s a clean kick you pulled out, the source kick was really muddy[/quote]
Thanks! The kick is one of the tom hits from the “drum solo” (agh puke) at the end. Made it mono. Used the filter, pitch LFO env, comp and resampled it. All the basses are ride cymbal waveforms as slices… Pseudo wavetable.

Hey Folks

Great incredibly creative work by everyone,
would have liked to participate but not had time…

Just to point out you can get a recap of all the mixes on the first page…

Impressed by your creativeness (and patience) in building different sounds from the source material, I have to say i find the “foot foot” song quite interesting, though difficult

My personal favourites are

All time favorite
JES - Dark and interesting,
the strange timing somehow makes it more faithfull to the “foot foot” feeling
very minimal - but the second part is more creative to my ears, and the atmospheric drones are exellent

Most listenable
: - Blarue09 -
Like the sound and vibe of this - it evolves and moves like it should,
reminds me a bit of “my life in bush of ghosts”

Most experimental -
Sicijk - Dinosaturo
Great glitchy sounds - pretty far out and mind crunching - though difficult to listen to

Best drum sounds/groove
Poonti - what a job, cant believe you got such syncopated electro from their song

Best kick [/b]
Josh e Josh - so far removed from the original sample material-
i am extremely impressed - good work

Great initiative Blarue
Having one song to build with is limiting enough, without being overly limiting (like 2 steps!)
and the results are so varied

Very late I know, but here’s my remix anyway…really enjoyed all the remixes and the challenge, which was the final kick up the ass to get me to really explore a lot more of the octatrack’s possibilities. Was a tough job finding a kick that worked but in the end this was a great little project which really made me delve deeper into all the efects and the track paramater pages. Cheers!

Not the worse band ! Really interesting !

For me the off timing/tuning is intended.
Can’t be as bad with people trying their best. Buzz

Not a question of non-influence imho. They were probably influenced before. Influence can make things worse anyway !
Make your own thing.