OT > Volca keys note hang on midi pattern switch

Only just got round to looking at the midi side of the OT. Way more complex than I’m used to (normally just use ableton/sonar for sequencing etc and all my hardware midi stuff is basic (synths/samplers). Just a case of choosing clock and channel…).

The manual becomes way over my head as soon as I hit the midi section. But after some fiddling around (turned off ‘auto channel’ in the system/project/channels etc menu and on midi track one playback settings page i dialled in midi channel 1, don’t know if that’s right but seems to work?) I got the OT to be able to play and record the volca using chromatic.

But when I’m playing sequences and, following a pattern with volca midi sequenced, I switch to a pattern that has no volca midi sequenced (only internal audio tracks) the Volca is ringing out a note…

I only recently started using midi, am I missing something obvious?


The volca keys is probably not getting midi note off message by the time the pattern switches. Try setting a note on the next pattern first note for the volca with 0 length or 0 velocity.

Thanks, sounds like an easy fix.