TimeOTosser [from Timetosser topic]

Yeah I thought the same, then I thought hey I bet you can get more interesting than that…

I present: The TimeOTosser

  • preslice record buffer to 16/32/however many ‘buttons’ you want
  • record MAIN using SRC3 record trig to grab 1/2/however many bars (leave it running)
    I always use R8 to record main to get a visual on the output, this makes things simpler.
  • In another pattern/part use a flex to loop that buffer (lvl @ 127 for unity)
  • Set trig mode to SLICE

I set this up with bank 16/pattern 16, so anytime I can just BANK + double tap 16 to get to the basic remix pattern. You now have a loop running of your last 1/2/4 bars. You can use the trigs to jump through the pattern, a la @DaveMech’s video.

You can p-lock trigs to set anchor points for your pattern; eg. lock slice 9 to trig 9; 17 to 17; you now don’t have to worry about getting back to the ‘1’ as Mr. Mech did; the pattern will latch to the next trig once you stop ‘playing’ the slices.

Use live record to loop your mangles and copy them to other patterns. Leave a separate record buffer running and then switch it with your remix buffer using sample lock to remix the remix. Add EQ, filter, neighbor FX, and switch between them with scenes. Set-up some SRC3 CUE buffers and flex them for aux verb and delays…

It’s basically a remix bank that you can jump into from any other pattern. I’ve been working on this for a little while but adding the tt-esque slice keyboard has really spiced it up!

I am having a lot of fun with this!


I just got an octamki, and this sounds amazing. I’m not sure it’s even real/possible to be honest :joy: , but I’m gonna try and figure it out.

I’ll do more of a step-by-step in tips and tricks sometime soon; great place to head with your new OT! My best advice is to read up and experiment lots, good luck!


Been doing both! Thanks!

That’s Mervelous! :wink:

I’ve been working on a similar remix bank as well as per instructions by @AdamJay in another thread. And putting insane mangling thingies like eq fx neighbors etc. The bank 16 pattern 16 thing is a great idea. That will make it super quick to switch to, thanks for the tip :slight_smile:
Going to try the tt style set up as well. Cool idea.

What do you mean by switching one record buffer with you remix buffer by using a sample lock? Sample lock the other buffer, and then record the onto that ? How can you do this quickly?

Maybe good to continue this conversation in a OT topic actually I guess @LyingDalai ?


Good idea. I actually like how it’s developing ^^


Instead of slices I’m thinking about using one shot rec trigs and play recordings with arp and midi loopback.
@Merv a demo!

I put @DaveMech video here.
So what would be the features list required to mimic Timetosser with OT (which probably can do better!).

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Stack overflow: infinite loop detected :wink:


Btw, did this take you guys/girls so long to figure out? Been doing this sorta stuff on my MD UW for ages :wink:

I second this - would love to see a demo, @Merv!

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Demo! Possible to play slices with an arp with OT. :pl:

Sorry I don’t get it…


Oh ok lots happened here! Let’s see

I’d have a SRC3 MAIN record trig already set up on another buffer. I use R7; since i’m now playing the R8 buffer. The long way round would be to remove record trig and then sample lock. You could use a oneshot record trig, then it’s just TRK + YES and sample lock.

Personally I just use another pattern. Switch the record trig back to R8, and the playback trig to R7. Then you can switch between the two patterns for an

Thanks @DaveMech, btw! Love your work :slight_smile: Looking forward to your octatrackery.

Well OT is my first and only sequencer/sampler; i’ve had it for a year, and half
of that was mainly sorting out my samples so i’m pretty happy :tongue:

Would love to see this, I am yet to venture into the realms of loopbackery. In your opinion @sezare56, how useful/necessary is a MIDI filter for loopback?

I would love to, i’ll try and set something up but i’m afraid I don’t have much equipment, not sure i’ve even got a stereo interface right now, let alone a video camera or smartphone :dizzy_face:

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You don’t need a midi filter if midi tracks share their midi channel with an audio track. You can even send back transport / clock via the midi Thru output, and sync external gear. It’s getting complicated if you use different channels.

I tried yesterday, works like a charm. :loopy:
With arp and midi loopback you can play any step of incoming audio, loop 1 or several steps, in the order or not, quantized. Breackcore heaven. Pitch up, reverse and more possible.

But I used 8 audio tracks. It would be possible with slices with a midi processor to use only 1 track.

I can make a video and record audio with DN connected to an Iphone, but I wanted to use DN as audio source! It apparently can’t select it’s inputs only. I can also sacrifice a step to play a sample in OT.

You apparently have an Octatrack! :smile:
No smartphone? Before Iphone / DN class compliance I was using a Samsung, using the microphone input of its heaphones with a video cable (mini jack with 4 “rings”).

I don’t get it! :frowning:

The meaning of life? :content:
Different approaches possible to mimic the Timetosser. I can’t develop mine now but basically I use 8 recorders with 2 rec trigs, shifted by 1 step so each one records specific steps of incoming audio (T1 records step 1 and 9, T2 steps 2 and 10, etc). I play audio recordings assigned to Flex with a midi track on channel 1, chromatic mode, notes C2-G2, arp on. Play Quantize set to 1/16.

@Merv said he’ll explain more, but apparently it isn’t in realtime with incoming audio, isn’t it?


D E M O !!!
…please :ecstatic:


Wow thnx maan :+1:

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Not well played , but it gives and idea.
The principle is to arpegiate recordings (8) of incoming audio.

Rc505 playing loops, slaved to OT.
8 recorders with 1 one shot rec trig shifted by 1 step for each track, so each one records specific steps of incoming audio (T1 records step 1, T2 step 2, etc).

One shot recordings armed with YES.

I play audio recordings assigned to Flex with a midi track on channel 1, chromatic mode, notes C2-G2, arp on. Play Quantize set to 1/16.


Don’t remember what I asked for but this was pure insanity - golden! :grin::+1:

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would love to hear breaks put thought this and chopped