A little bit of context. This is the OTO Boum only into a Reverb. I’ve used its Noise and played with its Parameters.


Very nice

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I use my Boum on my master but only use the first distortion mode and normally with very little drive, always in parallel (50% wet) - I don’t really notice any noise tbh - I’m guessing it’s maybe to do with the distortion setting and higher drive amounts?


In itself it is not very noisy.

Compression feature will increase levels of existing noise and distortion methods as well.

And yes, can be more observable when tracking individual instruments through than the entire mix.

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Thanks @lesstalkmoredisco! I really enjoy to do these kind of experiments. :heart::pray:


I’ve always used those modes more for individual processing rather than on a master. You can find some nice sounds playing around with the output gain on device that’s going in. That said, it’s all subjective ofc.

Personal fave OTO box is Bim. Have every OTO device for a long time and Bim is the one that continues to stand out for me.


Certainly ! It’s a great device for sound design with those modes :slight_smile: totally agree.

Bim is great, how do you have your set up? I haven’t used mine in a while because I have so many delays already in software but I have used it on tracks, usually send an audio track from the DAW out of the patch bay and into the BIM, then I record the output back in. I hit the freeze button sometimes during transitions and just let it ride on that before going back into a main part.

I just have it on an fx send on my mixer. I try to avoid daws for productions(only record master) unless it makes sense over my hardware setup. Personal preference though as it just fits my music better

Nice I used to have it set up on a mixer too. It is amazing used in that way.

Can you elaborate on why you love the Bim? (I really hope I disagree with your reasons because I should not be buying anything right now)

I’ll say that the BIM is one of the best sounding hardware (non-tape) delays I ever used. I transitioned to all ITB effects, but if I ever get anything OTB again the two delays at the top of my list are the BIM and the Echofix EF-X3.


Could say it’s the best hardware delay I’ve ever used, but it all comes down to taste and what suits your music.

Objectively I can say BIM is a very musical delay with the major benefit of having many sweet spots. It’s hard to make it sound bad. In short it has a character.

Best to do is to test it for yourself and see if it fits your musical style.


I use it as guitar pedal and it’s simply the most beautiful sounding delay I ever heard. 12bit in combination with the filters and the compressor just sounds magical.

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Does bim have a compressor? I’d also like to hear some sound examples of patches you came up with with BIM

Yes! From the manual:

In Gain. Sets the input gain of the delay from 0 dB to +15 dB. Due to the built-in compressor, increasing gain can add a nice character to the delayed sound.