Overbidge plus another sequencer in sync

interesting! How many (usb) ports were shown in your DAW?

I’m on cubase and on HST1 (connected to a 2.0-MTT-hub) only the first four HST1-4 ports were available on the device list. Rather confusing imo to name the ports like the busses…

I’ve been using an ICM4+ for years and it’s been rock solid, loads of midi, no usb issues, never a glitch…
I glanced at the mio10 manual and it shows the default routing only includes hst1, hst2, hst3, and then hst4-10 as a group. The thing is that computer devices have access to 16 midi ports and your mio has more than that so not all of them will be available individually. You can change the config and remove maybe some of the eithernet ports and switch them to usb hst’s or you can merge ports. The port names and routing are not fixed, you can name any of the 16 ports available to the computer anything you wish and route them however you want. If you rename ports in iconfig and your working on a mac, you deleted the device from audio midi setup while it is not plugged into the computer, and when you reattach it will update the names of the ports to be read from a daw…
It’s too much to explain right now but it’s super flexible and there’s nothing wrong with your unit you just need to program it… There’s an ICM4+ help thread if you want to hit me up there sometime I can help you sort it out…


Mike pretty much explains it. I don’t do much MIDI routing in DAW so the HST4-10 grouping isn’t affecting me. USB device/port reservation works flawlessly in iConfig as clunky as the UI is.

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I’m having the same problem. Using Live, and A4 via Overbridge. A4 audio is recorded fine, tight on grid, but all audio coming from inputs from my audio interface (focusrite scarlett 2i2, yes I dont expect too much from it) are having timing issues. I can fix that with audio delay compensation in Live, but it is very time consuming.

I was thinking on upgrading my interface to RME Fireface UC as it has an internal clock. Maybe any of you have already tested it and can confirm that it will/may solve this issue?

The idea is to have the fireface or Live as a master clock and connect all devices via MIDI (no clock via usb). I understand that if would abandon Overbridge, this setup should work perfectly, but I want to track my A4 with separate outs.

Try to use the “external instrument” with a delay to compensate overbridge on your other synth. It works flawlessly in my setup. You need to set it up on a midi track and use an audio one to get back the audio informations but like that I never mess with the Live track delay that doesn’t work so well.

For your other solution, you can use overbridge for the audio but not the clock (to verify), so your setup should works.

Thanks, your solution should work while jamming and recording I will check that out. However my workflow is a bit complicated, I want to be able to easily re-record some parts in the middle of mixing or arranging (I mean after you’ve passed the recording stage and have your timing fixed) and dont have to deal with timing issues on new recordings. There are plenty of workarounds that already allow me to work this way, but as mentioned - it takes a lot of time. I hope a decent interface will solve this for me :slight_smile:

Oh thank you, this is really helpful. I will check it soon and tell you if it worked.

yes indeed. For the moment I have some probs - one of them drove me crazy today (see bug reports 1.03).

Another one: I have alle my Elektrons in/out plugged to the DIN’s. DT is clock master, this port is merged to AR/A4/MM and OT. The DT receives clock from DAW (start/stop - a shame that you can’t separate these signals). On start all boxes start, they are perfectly synced. Using the space tab to stop, all maschines go into pause mode. Using a double stop on DT only sets AR and A4 into full stop, the others remain in pause. Elektron support assumes that’s a matter of the mio10.


yeah that’s right, the GUI is nasty. A flashback to the early 90’s…

And I think that a complex interface needs a midi monitor.

You will need an OT MK II :relaxed:

I come back with a solution for my problem that doesn’t involve any other gear !
I’ve found an option in Live to correct the timing of my sequencer. Under the preferences pane, midi section, I activate the “Sync” button and I adjust the “MIDI Clock Sync Delay” to match the timing of Live. The first bar is out of sync, but the others are in sync.

You can find some more information here : https://help.ableton.com/hc/en-us/articles/209071149-Synchronizing-Live-via-MIDI (chapter “Adjusting the timing”)