Overbridge 2.0.37: tech discussion

Ya you must uninstall before you update.


That link isn’t working on my computer.

FL studio can’t open the vst

My fault, edited the url after linking. It should work now. Sorry.

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Is anyone unable to get the Heat mkii VST detected? Catalina, Live 10.1.9, it doesn’t show up as available in the plugin (on a return or any other channel) but does in the OB panel.

on the sound card part I use a focusrite one (the 2i2), but I am not sure I should replace with DT as the sound card because the latency is almost double. thoughts on this? Am I doing something wrong or is this expected behaviour?
I am running a macbook pro 2018 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7.

Hi guys,
I do have an AR mk1 with OS 1.50; and a Mac OS10.12 .
I’v installed and unistalled OB 2 a number of times but it seems that first doesn’t install neither the VST neaither the AU and then even the standalone app doesn’t find my machine, I have it green on the control pannel and on the engine the status is stucked on “measuring”.
What can I do? Install the beta of the OS?

You need OS1.50A

No, I think you should keep and use the focusrite as your main audio interface for your DAW and use Overbridge in parallel via the plugin and free up your audio interface inputs and outputs for other stuff. Even if other setups are possible and works, this is Overbridge main intended use case and where I feel it’s the nicest.


I installed it on El Capitan and everything works fine (I use it with Digitone), except a glitch on the Mod Wheel of my external keyboard, so when I move the ModW it goes down an octave automatically, like if there is an interference with the Pitch Bend when the Midi message is sent, and when I touch the PB it returns to normal.

this is a known issue iirc

Any plans for an option to disable the audio over usb now that it’s out of beta ? (To make it low latency …)

  • installed
  • tested
  • played with all kinds of automation, routing, CC stuff

solid! :heartpulse:

adding: you know what would be sick!? if there was a tab or maybe part of the master page or something…a spot in which you could automate…PATTERNS!
instead of having to go into the prog change editor in a DAW…there was a pair of dials or something in the Elektron [box] VST, that could get clicked on or turned, that would send prog change data to your DAW and that you could record! :+1:t6:


Same here,

installed OB2 on macbook (OS 10.13.6) to work with AR1 (OS1.50) but can’t have it working, device is not recognized.
Installation done at least 4 times without any success…

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They suggest to use 1.50A.
Tommorow I’ll flash the OS on the AR and we’ll see.
Keep you posted.


anyone with hanging notes on Digitone when sequencing from Live? it happens to me when, eg, I sequence track 1 from Ableton and track 2 from Digitone itself… for the rest, it works good on my MacBook Pro with Catalina

Hi Sebas i had the same issue because i installed the newer 1st.
I tried many times and i solved.

Unistall the old version.
Re-install the newest
Now it works.



Just wanted to comment, this use case is incredible. I had 4 inputs free up from Overbridge’s release, and was able to increase my sample rate for free. Absolutely incredible work, Elektron!


@Olle Are there patch notes anywhere?

you can do a dedicated midi track for it and have channel 16 (default) then change patterns using the pianoroll editor