Overbridge 2.0 goes Fault

Hey there! Need the valuable help of Elektronauts :slight_smile:
I just installed the latest Overvridge 2.0.31 and Analog rytm MKI’s new firmware (1.50A), and to be honest it’s a complete disaster…

  • Midi notes are not sent from AR (which is the main reason why i installed the firmware)
  • Overbridge just stops AR every 2 mins

I have BD + BT + SD + LT out through the physical outputs, and the rest through overbridge.

I use Mac os 10.12.6 and Ableton Live 10.

I could really go with a bit of advice here :slight_smile:
Thanks a million!

Have you activated the TRK SEND MIDI setting in the TRIGS SETUP menu for the tracks from which you want to send the MIDI note messages?

In the GLOBAL > MIDI CONFIG > PORT CONFIG menu, what have you set for OUT PORT FUNC and OUTPUT TO?

Thanks Peter!

Outport por function is set to midi
Output to Midi + Usb


And of course Track send midi is activated