Overbridge 2

thx :3lektron:

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Nice Job, Thanks!

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My previous version worked perfectly. This official release does not work AT ALL. Where can I find the previous version files?

I’m on Windows 10, with Reason and Digitakt.

if you mean the first Overbridge (1) worked, then you’ll need to update your Elektron boxes to the latest firmware to work with Overbridge 2.

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I meant the beta before this, that was 2.0.36 if I remember correctly. Device is the latest (digitakt 1.11) and transfer is also the latest firmware.

This is really fantastic! I’ve been happily using the beta for some time, and it’s been stable and super helpful…still, to have the official is great, and congratulations on a job well done.

Still, one thing that drives me nuts with both the DT and DN versions is that there’s no way to preview sounds. It feels sooooooo close to being perfect. This feature would be so, so SO helpful, especially with the DN. Just a little play button like in the sample browser for the DT, but for the DT and DN sounds…


try a full uninstall and reinstall – others have reported the same and that fixed it for them…


Congrats, I knew good things would come out of these crazy times!

I reisntalled some drivers, uninstalled overbridge - reinstalled. Now it works. Since I did more things at once, I don’t know what the source of the problem was.

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When you choose a sound on the digitone you are using a track sound so when you try the presets it gets used through that track… maybe we cannot preview because that list is not getting used by a track in the plugin until you load it in ? …
definitely would be nice to be able to do this without having to load it first

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Can we sequence Elektron devices from Overbridge 2 now or am I asking too much??

Congrats !

Yes… been working Great for ages in the beta versions


Are you serious?! Where’s the sequencer in OB2? I have RYTM MK1…

You sequence them from your daw through the plugins


That’s awesome news! Congrats!:+1:

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Sweet, I’ll try that

Great, thank you Elektron!

Exactly. Overbridge has been amazing for recording and general DAW integration. And I absolutely love Total Recall. For the DT, sample management is also tremendous…it so speeds up the workflow.

Yet for both the DT and the DN, I find sound management is still quite a bit easier to do on the hardware. In OB, just seeing names makes it total guesswork, or a ton of clicks to load/test/dispose. It seems crazy to me that you can’t audition sounds first in OB. Maybe there’s some hardware constraint that prevents it?