Overbridge as iOS/iPadOS app?

It seems to be quite easy to port Mac drivers to iPad OS, it’s based on the same technology (DriverKit). It would be so great to have the separate tracks in AUM.


I think it’s not as straightforward, but I would love to see this happen finally! I would pay for this tbh.

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:arrow_forward: … requires much more complex drivers than a “class compliant” one … !

I’m still waiting for the blowback on this. Everyone has been kicking up a shitstorm regarding stage manager being m1 only, but no one kicked up a shitstorm (yet) that driverkit is m1 ipads only as well.

Huh, I had no idea this had happened. Interesting. Overbridge on iPad would make me upgrade to M1!

No news on the topic?

I was just thinking about this today. Cross output plugin routing is already possible on iOS. So, I’m guessing that the real hurdle comes from output audio routing from the device into the plugin.

Even just having the editor on the iPad would be nice tho.


Would love to have OB possible on iPad since a touch librarian app came out for the Virus synth and being able to manage my Elektron gear and Virus without a computer would be super awesome and record as well. For live shows I’d love it!


I would love this as a Loopy Pro power user but also a Digitakt user. It would be great to combine the two with an AU version of Overbridge. Unfortunately as it is now with Digitakt set to audio/midi over USB the Digitakt takes over as an interface and that is undesirable for me since I use a dedicated interface for guitar and Microphone. Honestly I’m doubtful if Elektron would see any value in creating and maintaining an iOS version of Overbridge.

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I think for this to happen, any iOS version of Overbridge would need to be like AuM, where it would host other apps/plugins (and that’s a whole load more development work than just porting the desktop version over) due to they way iOS only supports class compliant devices and doesnt offer the possiblilty to install system level extensions like macOS does.

This ability was added in the last year or two. I don’t know of anyone who has used it though.

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Ooo, that’s cool - guess it could well be possible now then? And reading over that quickly appears that it’s a similar approach for both macOS and iOS so when Elektron are forced to rewrite Overbridge again for macOS, it maybe lower effort to include iOS?

Ugh, nevermind… there’s always a catch with Apple! Creating a Driver Using the DriverKit SDK | Apple Developer Documentation

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Damn. But does that mean kernel extensions are allowed now? Or is that Mac-only

Not sure, there’s a lot of conflicting info on the Apple dev documentation. It sounds like the AudioDriverKit is available for M1/2 based iPads, but then that is at odds with other docs once you start digging in…

Didn’t that already happen? There was quite a long delay to make Overbridge compatible with Big Sur, and people were complaining on here. Someone from Elektron posted that the reason for the delay was they had to completely rewrite the driver using some new Apple SDK. I can’t remember the exact details unfortunately.

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Hope somebody from Elektron reads this topic. In case it’s impossible to port Overbridge to iOS I just need to say that a lot of people would really appreciate even the simplest auv3 plugin with multi-out just for splitting audio.
I really don’t think it would take a lot of money to develop/support a simple USB audio-splitting app and it would open a world of possibilities.

The rest of the functionality offered by Overbridge would just be the icing on the cake ; )


It would be great multi io for digitakt / digitone like other audio interface have, so should not port overbridge to IOS and still have to same functionality and with AUM would bring Elektron devices to a whole new level.