Overbridge Crashes MacOS?

Yeah. Overbridge is basically useless. I’m getting repeated kernel panics on a brand new Mac. NBD for me as I have a lot of IO but would be a super bummer for someone relying on this software for IO. It’s totally unstable.

I bought a new 16" MacBook Pro (running Catalina 10.15.7) and it froze on boot at 100% after installing Overbridge The only thing I could do (aside from OS repair) was to go into System Recovery mode (command + R on startup), open a terminal window, and rm -rf the single Elektron*.kext driver entry from /Volumes/(Data Drive)/Library/Extensions.
I’ll wait for the next one to come out before I try again.

Here’s where I’m at now, with a successful install:
This is on a new MacBookPro that was upgraded from a profile on a Mid 2009 system. A bunch of kernel drivers came over with very old versions of Ableton, Vmware Fusion, and a couple of other things that I don’t remember installing ten years ago. Here’s what I did:

  • I removed VMware Fusion manually
  • I removed some USB drivers for my child’s toy (Leapfrog? Oh hey, I bet I could circuit bend that thing)
  • I basically went through and found all drivers that came over from my other laptop that had a date older than 2015 and cleaned house.

After that was done, I finally decided to try the Overbridge installation again and see if there was a conflict between the Overbridge driver and whatever else was removed.
I was able to launch the standalone app for Analog Four and connect to my device without any trouble. I haven’t re-installed Live yet, so I’ll give an update on that if anyone wants one.

Hi Ted, can you paste the terminal code that you used to remove the app. Would really appreciate this. Or is copy and paste from “rm -rf the single Elektron*.kext”


I don’t remember the name of the .kext file. I think there’s only one such file. That’s really all I did to make sure it didn’t hang on boot. After that I went through the normal uninstall process. Maybe it’s ElektronOverbridge.kext?

I have the same experience.
Mon mac is totally freezed at the boot.

Thanks to provide a solution @Elektron !
Did you tested this in your lab ??


Same for me. Steps to resolve:

  1. Reboot into recovery mode: hold Cmd+R when pressing power button to turn on
  2. Use Disk Utility to mount your main boot disk
  3. Quit Disk Utility and launch Terminal
  4. Navigate to the extensions directory:cd /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/Library/Extensions/
  5. Create a new directory to move the offending extension to: mkdir Unsupported
  6. Move the extension to the new directory: mv ElektronOverbridge.kext/ Unsupported/
  7. Reboot: reboot
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Just experienced the same crash, curious if anyone else has tried @smies suggestion and if it worked for them? Trying to avoid losing the most recent audio files that aren’t on the latest time machine backup.

Hi smies, Thank you for the helpful information, it worked for me.


Any updates on this? Installed OB yesterday (latest version). On OS X iMac Pro. Upon reboot display resolution was off, even after setting to correct resolution graphics and screen redraw performance were sluggish.

Used uninstalled to clean up the whole hot mess.

Has anyone installed this without killing a working system ?

About a week ago, I installed the latest version of Overbridge on my Macbook pro running Catalina and after the install finished I restarted as prompted. It completely bricked my computer. Wouldn’t boot into safe mode, recovery, nothing. Wouldn’t even boot into diagnostic mode at the Apple Store. They sent it away to get repaired, thankfully it was under warranty. They wiped the whole machine and sent it back.

Now I just tried to install Overbridge again. This time I was careful to make sure I allowed the Overbridge software the security permissions it asks for in preferences. The exact same thing happened and my computer is unusable again. I have no idea what’s going on here but I guess I would have to recommend not installing the latest Overbridge. Yikes

Whoa! WTF Elektron!?!

That was stressful!! The exact same thing happened to me.

I was able to boot my laptop in Safe mode (holding shift while it started, though took a long time to progress past that final 100% on the load bar), and uninstall overbridge.