Overbridge FAQ, Tips & Tricks

From memory, there is a MIDI rectangle in the top right corner of Ableton, enable it. Supposing you’re using Ableton Live.

Oh, yes, I’m in Ableton.
Isn’t this MIDI button to assign some controller a parameter?

What I’d like is recording notes from say a Rytm, so that I can replay the MIDI, the Pattern changes, possibly mutes, but at the very least the notes with the current Pattern.

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I’m absolutely curious about this also, and will be experimenting with it today. It’s definitely possible in non-OB MIDI mode, but that would be a major pain going back and forth.

Yes, exactly, I’d like to record what I play, not playing from the DAW :face_vomiting:

as long as the device you’re using has the option to output midi from the seq trigs, it’s relatively painless to do, e.g. A4/AK works due to its recent-ish addition of midi output per track, whereas DT can only output midi notes from its midi tracks, so won’t work without more faff (copy+paste sample track’s pattern to a midi track before the notes can be recorded into ableton)


Oh, weird. I thought (and hope) I had overlooked something… I have to ask Elektron about this ^^
I’d really like a kind of Overbridge meta song mode.

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My memory is tricking me, my bad.

on the DT it’s an odd omission - you can use the trig buttons to send midi (play them ‘live’ like a midi controller) but any notes in the onboard seq are not sent via midi.

Yeah, that’s really a weird omission. It would make the integration with the DAW so much more powerful: you improvise a track, then cut/edit the MIDI parts you dislike, then replay the whole thing and record. I think it is very desirable a workflow :slight_smile:

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Just played around with this, and can confirm that I am experiencing the same limitation. I’ve successfully recorded MIDI into Ableton, sent that midi to the Digitone’s sequencer (this is handy if you want to start with a piano roll first before diving into p-locking), and can get MIDI from the button presses on the Digitone itself, but there is just no way to get MIDI from what is played by the Digitone’s audio tracks without @garf’s copy/paste to MIDI track workaround.

Also, I don’t think you can do this with A4 or Rytm in Overbridge mode, unless you capture the MIDI out from the din output. My guess is that it was a design decision to help prevent unintentional MIDI infinite loops.

There’s a checkbox in the track setup on A4/AK that allows this:
Don’t know if Rytm has it though.

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You are absolutely right! I was looking in the MIDI settings. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction there.

For anyone else reading this:

  • For A4, it is under Note Setup
  • For Rytm, it is under Trig Quantize

I wish this were possible on the Digitone, I would absolutely use this workflow.

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Hi to all,

I am on Mac OS 10.12.6 (Sierra).
OB version
I am about to update to the latest version.
Do i have to uninstall previous version before doing so?

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Overbridge Release Notes

Elektron Music Machines

November 23, 2022

How to install

Uninstall first, then install.


@Tchu thanks for your help.
My question was not clear enough.
Should I use the Elektron app uninstaller (provided in the install folder) or a third party one?

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I can’t help as I’m on Windows.

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No worries man :pray:
Appreciate you getting back to me.

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FWIW, I’m using Windows Uninstaller.

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Installed successfully :slight_smile:

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