Overbridge & Heat

The video got deleted, what it the one where some dude was tweaking the AH in a studio, with a white overbridge interface ? Saw it earlier in the morning.

In studio one 3 at that!’ Really cool! My paranoid mind makes me think that it’s the plug in processing it and not the Analog Heat and the Analog Heat is just controlling it ala Softube’s Console One. But I believe in aliens too so…:alien:

Absolutely not.

It is processed in the Heat using the analog circuits, controlled and routed thru the plugin. Nothing else.

There is no need to spread confusion.


I get all the voices from the A4 and AR over OB with no problems at all. All I’m missing are the FX from the RYTM which go over my audio interface. I’m just using a standard IMac


very cool! I’ll have to give that a go tonight!

Just my “paranoid mind”! lol I know! Sorry to cause confusion!:cry:

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i’ve forgotten now, but it looked pretty legit. just trying to forget about OB until one morning i wake up and it’s there

I think people (including myself) are just upset, because there is no communication of status, like “shit, we discoveed one nasty bug, it wont be out until christmas”, or “the software is finished, just waiting for an ok from microsoft and apple for our release candidate” or, “Were sorry, our one and only programmer got sick and is in hospital”. every of these explanations would be ok and tame the crowd.


@goatofneptune in my humble opinion people get upset because they don’t process impatience very well.
Before the Heat was on the market, it was some features for AR or even just “Elektron please release something”.
What is the problem with waiting ? We got already loads of gear, there are so many possibilities that inventing a temporary workflow to deal with a specific need is almost certainly possible. Not optimal, but still…

I feel like @meanderpede is wise “just trying to forget about OB until one morning [he] wakes up and it’s there”.
What is important is music. Well, and life, and love.
Expectations for gear is a luxury in this good old world. Let’s not get upset for such trivial matter, let’s live and make music and love :smile:


There is no problem with waiting at all.

The thing is that OB is a big selling point and “deal sealer” for many people (me including). So we buy stuff with “promised” functionality and get pissed as we cannot used the equipment in the intended way.

I mean, it’s just strategic decisions in the end from elektron (I assume there is a decent two digit figure of sales based on OB only users). And they get away with stuff, as the products - hands down - are awesome and - in the end everybody will be happy and stop crying.

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Elektron are usually quite good with the pre-Xmas OS offerings, i have my fingers crossed for you guys :wink:


that’s true. it may sound silly but as i said, i only bought the AH quickly because i needed a soundcard and this killed numerous birds with one stone - the main being that i needed a soundcard.

however, i still don’t have a soundcard but i have a sick distortion pedal with sick filters and a sick lfo and sick envelope. it’s sick but not everything i ordered

I’m wondering, if it’s not simply a matter of hiring a decent Project manager and some good C/C++ developers ? I can do that for you (elektron), if you want

I don’t buy any Elektron product until about a year after release, that’s usually how long it takes to get close to what was promised. Sad but true.

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(Let’s precise that I’m not here to start a war or whatever, I talk in all due respect + not as a Mod)

I hear you. One thing doesn’t make sense to me though : if you intend to use the Heat as a sound card, why not just wait for the OB to be out ?
For me it’s plain simple : so far Heat is a very capable analog distortion unit with following envelope, filter, LFO, EQ… Period. Heat is available as it is now for the ones that want to use it live, OTB.

Overbridge takes some time to get nailed out for some reason, it will be out at some point, and those who intend to use it ITB will be glad to get the same gear with this awesome new functionality for the same price.
It may take a few months, but there is no point being frustrated of the waiting : a few months back Heat didn’t exist, so why all of the sudden this gear would be so useful, so important in the workflow that people get angry at something that isn’t there yet ?

It’s still very respectful here, but one can see many posts in this forum where people express frustration and anger at something that doesn’t exist yet but has been promised.
I can respect this, it doesn’t affect me that much, but I just wanted to share that it doesn’t make this a better place, nor does it seem to influence :3lektron: in any way.
Makes me feel like we live in a (part of the) world where it’s easy to loose the perspective on what actually matters.

If I may suggest something : get back to your actual gear ! You seem to have an A4, you can already use it as a sound card.
Have you already ? Pretty cool, no ?
Using FX and even the filter distortion on another gear is very sweet. Love it on the Volca Sample, the MD or more recently the 0-Coast.
OB makes it easy to record what you have on your input, you can even treat separately two different mono inputs.

We’re mostly creative people.
Let’s find solutions and share it instead of moaning about the next missing thing.
Or at the very least let’s do it a funny way, shall we ? :smile:

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People basically complain about feeling “cheated”.

The soundcard guy, if I understood him correctly, wouldn’t have bought it, if he knew that “immediate” means “within the next couple of months”, or at least not now.

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ye, it’s like that. I’m still waiting for the Sequencer OB integration
for A4/AR. I’m pretty sure, they promised this at some point for 2015
(export/sync/whatever machine patterns to DAW).

Because it says on the box that it’s for an immediate Overbridge experience - to me in English that means you can immediately use Overbridge with it, which is just plain not true. The SonicState video that showed Cenk using Overbridge with it was posted on October 24!

Since then the only news is “soon”, “very nigh”, etc. The language chosen along with the teasers are very misleading in this case. I bought a Ferrari but it didn’t come with any tires! :laughing:


no, its true actually. You have an immediate Overbridge experience (without analog heat). haahaha