Overbridge latency in Ableton Live

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Thanks thoughtstarZ .

I know more or less the technical background for latency in general (serial data processing in, processing out, drivers along the way, etc etc.)
I was suprised that a signal going directly from Octratrack to speakers (without passing it through DAW) is in sync with signal going from A4 via USB to DAW and then from DAW to speakers, which Iā€™d expected to be delayed :).

BTW: there is a method to record into DAW without latency, this video explains: How to Record Without Latency in Ableton Live - YouTube so you donā€™t need to shift the midi when recording, or compensate after recording :slight_smile:

If ur seeing 60ms on ableton with ā€œreduce latencyā€ active, you need a better computer.
Also remember to set the plugin buffer size in overbridge control panel

Hi Overbridge Users! I recently started using Overbridge under Ableton 11 and everything seems to work as expected so far. There is one thing Iā€™m trying to optimize: All audio tracks recorded via Overbridge are a tiny bit too early, i.e. I need to shift all tracks back some fraction of a millisecond. My regular audio tracks (recorded via physical audio inputs) are perfectly on beat. Can you help me, at what stage/by which function I can introduce the delay for the Overbridge tracks? Thanks! :slight_smile:

Posting to follow this thread. Same issue here. In Ableton my overbridge audio is approx 0.4 ms too early. Direct audio is spot on (using ext instrument device with hw latency adjusted). 0.4 ms is not enough to be distracting, however if anyone knows a way to delay the OB audio, Iā€™d be interested.

Iā€™m puzzled by the same problem:

This is what works for me:

To achieve perfect sync I have to take the latency in number of samples from my audio interface and subtract this from the the latency (number of samples) from the Overbridge plugin and the type the end result into all other tracks than where I have the Overbridge plugin.

Please report back if it works for you as well :slight_smile:

It sounds like the Ob plugin is reporting the wrong latency to ableton. This happens to me with hardware when i have plugins running that donā€™t properly report.

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What Iā€˜ve tried so far: I tried the individual track delays in Ableton, however this has no effect on OB whatsoever I try.

Then I tried changing the buffer size of OB. Here I find that with 64 samples, OB tracks are a bit too late. with all other sample sizes, tracks are too early.

Latency compensation under Ableton is active, without it the OB tracks are completely off beat.

Sorry i wasnā€™t clear. :slight_smile: Yes, thatā€™s what happens. But the sequencer gets the proper latency time from the OB plugin, which in turn looks for the latency of your OB devices.

I had the whole thing running perfectly with my Digitakt prior the last Overbridge update, now I have about 50-60ms latency and Digitakt lagging behind the Ableton clock :frowning:

nothing has changed in my setup, this just happened with Overbridge



Same here, unusableā€¦


Thought I was tripping. Same for me.
Also applying track delay doesnā€™t solve the problem, as my digitakt goes completely out of sync occasionally.

Same issue here. Have had it working flawlessly for years and now itā€™s unfortunately pretty much unusableā€¦

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Iā€™m trying to get an understanding of the Overbridge latency situation in Ableton, hoping someone can help explain it.

Right now I have as basic a setup as possibleā€¦ my Macbook Pro running Ableton Live 11.1 and my Analog Four mk2 connected to it via USB.

I have A4 Overbridge VST open in Ableton and have created 5 audio tracks running off it (T1-T4 plus FX on master) and Iā€™m doing all the sequencing in Ableton.

When I record the OB output to a ā€˜cleanā€™ audio track in Ableton, itā€™s showing around 31ms latency consistently. I have Delay Compensation checked.

All I want to do is be able to use other Ableton sources (drums/softsynths, etc) with the A4 and have them in time with each other.

Is this not currently possible? Thereā€™s no way to remove the OB latency?

The only real way is to NOT use the A4ā€™s USB for audio and use its analog outputs? (so only use the OB plugin for midi control, not audio?)

What are your settings in Ableton? Do you have plugin delay compensation on for example? Also what buffer are you at?

When recording to audio do you have Ableton monitoring off or on? Also what are your settings in OB?

I had this going with my A4 but I have not recorded into the DAW yet with it, due to needing to finish a few tracks that donā€™t use it on. I want to dive in deeper. The sync from my MB pro to the A4 appears to be super tight though, I need to test it out. The BPM doesnā€™t waiver at all. Never seen anything like it, even using an ERM in the past.

In the past when I recorded into the PC I was able to get very low latency recording my AR in by taking note of all the settings I mentioned.

Also another thing - do you have any other plugins running in your project or is it blank besides OB? I got screwed a few times by having plugins open that donā€™t accurately report their latency to Ableton. That can be a killer.

Hey @CCMP, Iā€™ve actually just managed to get incredibly low latency with Ableton and an AR/A4 as a pseudo audio interface. Basically you should disable all of the Main internal track routing on the A4 under the audio routing section. Then route all of your tracks in ableton EXCEPT the A4 vst track to a Premaster audio track. Then route the Premaster into the A4 Vst. This should allow you to go on ahead and monitor everything from Ableton and the A4 directly from the hardware and will save a trip back to the computer and through the computerā€™s audio interface. Iā€™m getting almost perfect latency this way and described the whole process in more detail in another thread under the Overbridge section of the forum!

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:eyes: following.
I have the same issue, latency is so bad using OB alongside non-OB gear that I had to redo my Ableton template will need to add a larger mixer so that Iā€™m not using OB at all

Iā€™ve been struggling with the latency issue, too. Only way to get rid off it is to jump back and forth between Overbridge control panel and Ableton, where I just randomly change the buffer number a few times and leave it eventually in 128. Usually it works best way if I will first change it in Overbridge and then in Ableton. Everything works nicely until it drops again. :slight_smile:

though I would throw my experience on OB and mac in this thread as wellā€¦

my audio interface is Scarlett Solo 3rd gen which has 2 mono inputs but they are different, so I could not record stereo by using them and I tried to figure out the best way to record through usb or OB.

the OB vst always gave me latency no matter how hard Iā€™ve tried to adjust the Driver Error Compensation and whatnot, and adjusting the MIDI delay has no effect when using it from the vst so I decided to record by selecting the DN as the Audio Input Device and Audio Output Device (while in OB mode) and setting the Buffer Size to 128 on both Live and the OB Control Panel.
that way I could ajdust the MIDI delay and have the sync pretty spot on, thereā€™s some jitter from Live but nothing unmanageable.

my macbook pro 2019 i7 16gb ram gives me occasional stutters with 128 but no too much, it pretty much goes away after quitting every app possible (especially docker, that asshole!) so I decided to keep it at 128.

to take advantage of the TR-6S multiple outputs via usb I created Aggregate Device from the macOS Audio MIDI Setup, that way I still have access to every possible input/output both from DN and TR-6S and I can still adjust the MIDI delay to have a pretty spot on sync with about ~3ms accuracy, which is fineā€¦

I love recording DN wet effects so I remove T1-T4 from DN Main, so to monitor the recording Iā€™ve created a separate group with all DN channles + TR-6S Main one and they are set to Monitor IN, but they are not armed and not recording, that way I can quickly switch the monitoring on/off.

Aggregate Device:

Recording Latency:

Live Preferences:

Channels and Monitoring setup:


@Cartographer and @alechko, thanks for both of your detailed posts.

It seems both of your routes involve making your respective Elektron devices the audio interfaces in order to get workable latency.

If thatā€™s working for you, great. :+1:

My personal setup doesnā€™t allow for that, mine are peripheral sound source devices in Ableton and I mainly use my A&H Xone 96 or Motu 16a (or both in agg mode when I need a lot of outboard). So that approach doesnā€™t work for me.
Iā€™ve found other ways to make it work for me though.