Overbridge & macOS Big Sur

I understand that Macos Big Sur is causing you some major headache, it would be interesting to know the causes, and if there are reasons to hope for a resolution at some point.
Anyway, thanks for the awesome machines and software

I just did this over the weekend. Kind of a drag to have to go through the extra effort, but with as little as 40gb of space allocated for a Catalina install specifically for recording with overbridge… it isn’t that bad.

Also, the fresh install is a real productivity boost since I don’t have anything but Audition and Overbridge installed. :crazy_face:


“we need some perspective here”

Oh the irony…

So waiting for a boutique synth manufacturer to update a driver for one brand new operating system is as bad as a worldwide pandemic that’s killing thousands, putting companies out of business, and causing a laundry list of strains on society? Really?

Developer previews are great as a preview, but no serious developer would start major development until the final version is confirmed, because things can and usually do significantly change along the way.

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I feel as though I am waiting a “premium” amount of time for a product that is Elektrons “social responsibility” to have updated the software for its current very expensive product line like the mk2s. That’s my brand perception “feedback” for Elektrons loop. RD-8 took two years to get the basic correct functions, but that thing was like 300 bucks so ? If they really want to know how we view brands, theyre one of the most frustrating ones by far

Well elektron not being compatible with big sur after such a long time. Is a major screw up o
Indeed. It clearly didn’t have prio


Yeah it feels like OB is on the back burner, or it needs more staff/resources. There was ample warning that OB wouldn’t be compatible with future versions of OSX, and ostensibly early access to Big Sur for developers.

To me it seems like the company is torn between making OB subscription based to justify investing in it, or just keeping it as a free feature on the back burner while they develop new instruments.

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New DN user here. OB is an unfinished product in my opinion. It’s nice, but almost useless as the core features are missing. I mean, editing reverb with a visual interface is OK, but the machine has already pots, thanks. On the other hand, saving a project, a pattern, editing an arp, renaming or tagging a bunch of sounds, managing audio and MIDI routing… well, everything’s that’s a bit inside the hood of the hardware is not accessible via the software. I’d prefer a strip down visual environnement but with more efficient and complementary features, like drag’n drop sequencer, cause fine editing patterns or arps is a pain. Maybe on OB3 ? I’m now on Big Sur and not really missing anything at all.

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To me it seems like the company is torn between making OB subscription based to justify investing in it, or just keeping it as a free feature on the back burner while they develop new instruments.

*… a free feature on the back burner while they develop new instrument colours.

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Exactly… i don’t really get it why people keeping whining about OB. It is not required at all. Only handy feature is recording in ableton with separate tracks and LFO. Reverb and delay becomes useless since you need to record it seperatly and it is bothersome. Selecting sounds is a bit quicker etc. Anyway i started DT without OB at all. And never missed any of it.

On the other hand, it’s frustrating because OB could have the potential to unlock the power of the hardware…

not really. Everything is already in the hardware device itself. You can do anything. OB can’t do more. It is just a matter of work flow

OB could make things a lot easier when editing patterns and arps for example.

OB comes in very handy when you don’t have any spare audio inputs. Or is there another way to receive audio via USB from Digitone and Digitakt?

You can just use usb over audio. Just make a consolidated input audio device in mac. And choose that as input

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still on defiantly sticking on mojave – perfectly decent os

if you record and arrange live or in general work with outboard a lot or do multitrack recording it is in fact a very big deal. it’s absolutely required by a lot of people, you might not, good for you.
i bought the digitakt because of the form factor and actually just because of overbridge and now without overbridge it’s a basically useless to me. if you just need the other features again good for you - but i’d not complain about other people whining because a product is not working as it’s supposed to or released with an integral part missing from the start. just my 2 cents.

I work with a lot of ourboard gear. OB doesnt change anything to that. Only advantage is that you have separate tracks. But you can record into separate tracks anyway. Hence I think you are using the product wrong or don’t get it

Thanks - will check that out :slight_smile:

Hey Arjan,
no offence, but I don’t think it’s constructive to accuse users of using products the wrong way or (even worse) accusing them of not getting it.
Regarding your suggestion to create an Aggregate Device and using USB to record audio in your DAW … I’m using Analog Keys & Analog Rytm MKI and a M1 MacBook w. Big Sur. I can assure you that it is not possible to use any audio over USB. No audio devices are being recognized in MacOS due to missing system extensions. MIDI on the other hand works as expected.

I think you are a bit too sensitive. Didnt say anything abusive. Indicating someone that he doesn’t understand it. Is not accusing. I know: because Im a teacher. It is an observation. But im not in your world. And you might find it an accusation…

On topic:
As indicated. Usb over audio works fine with big sur in case OB doesnt work. Digitakt can be selected as input. The user in question was talking about Digitakt btw. I also have a lot of outboard gear comnected via usb. And use aggregated devices all the time to combine them. It is the beauty of mac. I also do it for my digitakt and behringer TD3. In windows this cant be done I believe.