Overbridge Multi-Outs not working Logic 10.5 Update

I’m in Mojave, Logic 10.5. Elektron AU plugs don’t werk. (Fault is on Apples side).
Affects iZoptope, Waves, Discord among several others.

I’m baffled. You can load the plugin into a channel strip?

I can’t even do that “plugin failed to load”

Works fine.

WTF :frowning:

I get what @markodarko got

…except for my DT and DN

UH…you DID get it to load, but at the top of the AU it says no device detected.

Yes it works absolutely fine for me. I think it’s not the case that it breaks multi-out plugins for everyone, just some people got lucky/unlucky in the upgrade

do you use TimeMachine? [I unfortunately [?] do not]

i just opened the plugin to show. I don’t have the hardware of those machines.
I have the Analog Rytm and Analog Four (MK1) machines and they work with Ovebridge and Logic 10.5.


well…I guess i’m S.O.L. :confused:

Hey guys,
since I am currently in the process of switching from Ableton to logic I am having the same issues but with a bit of googling I think that I’ve found the reason for the seemingly random behaviour.

It seems to be related to the plugin scanning. So if you didn’t have the need to rescan your plugins it still should work. That also means that if someone would upload their .cache file everybody else should be able to install it and use the plugins again. This is also described in the following screenshot.

Here is also the thread where I found this!

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I’d giver a go if someone with werking AU in Logic 10.5 wouldn’t mind upping their cache

(Will that conflict with plugs we don’t share…have in common?)

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As far as I understand (I really don’t understand much) it sadly would mean you could only use the plugins you have in common with the person sharing it but I could be wrong. Just thought it might be worth a try!

Anyone could send a link with the previous overbridge? I’ve lost all my projects :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Agh, same issue here after updating digitakt + overbridge. Wish I had read this before :frowning:

Same, can’t use multi outs in Logic 10.5, keep getting a warning to contact Elektron…

All my other third party multi out plug ins work fine, its just the Elektron that is the problem.

(for Digitone)

Other issues- hanging notes, keyboard controller stops working after switching tracks, and just tons of crackling noises. Weirdly, the hanging note continues to hang when I switch from Overbridge to using Digitone as an external instrument. The only way to kill the hanging note is to switch Digitone on and off.

Looks like an update may have fixed this. I just read about in another forum. 10.5.1

Working as it should. Never update again. Until the next time:)


The Apple update has sorted the multi out issue for me


Yep. Don’t know whether it was the Overbridge update or the Logic 10.5.1 update but all is working as it should for me now with Overbridge and my Analog Rytm II! Woo Hoo!

Thanks guys. :heartbeat:


Oh man that’s good news!

adding: updated…FIXED! Multi-outs in Logic werk!

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Yep, fixed here as well…A4 plugin now works.