Overbridge vs ERM Multiclock

Yes it will. I have a lot of similar gear as you and the RME has delivered for me. I am quite happy with it and now able to expand my hardware setup as a result.

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I currently have a basic keystep that I use via MIDI into ableton to control my hardware synths or VSTis in ableton. I send the MIDI now through USB into the ERM and to my gear.

I am thinking Id like to get the new keystep 37 and sequence my hardware from that, skipping the run through ableton.

Safe to say that I can plug the keystep 37 directly into the USB of the ERM? That would be pretty awesome.

Also curious if there is a way to send MIDI out of the E-RM and into a thrubox like a Kenton and control the offset of each box receiving MIDI from the kenton in the E-RM. I synced my drum machines and saved their settings, but gave them their own DIN port on the E-RM.

Also, the RYTM BPM display - I have the same thing. Its no big deal. The E-RM gets my RYTM 4x4 kick drum almost dead on the grid with each hit. There is a slight offset of maybe 1ms with some hits, but I am not sure if thats the machines jitter or somehow the swing affects beats on 1,5,9,13 even though it typically should not.

Regardless I am very pleased with how tight my gear is together now.

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I have some huge latencies while using OB VST with my other synth device so I prefer not to use it. My confit works fine for me but I experience some jitter sometimes and it drives me nuts since I don’t know exactly where could come the problem.

Hi guys, didn’t read the whole thread yet but wanna say that I’m running a 10 year old Dell laptop with ableton and OB for DT together with some other hardware gear + sequencers. With the ERM as midi brain I’m now even monitoring all external gear through ableton, put plugins on the track and so on without any latency or syc issues. I’m really happy with this little box, although it’s quite expensive.

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Yeh I picked up a MOTU Ultralite mk3 barely used for £225 on ebay to use with my setup.

Yes the ERM don’t affect the midi notes coming from ableton. I’ve pre-adjusted all timings in the erm for the clock and for midi notes coming from ableton I just play with the track delays.

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You’ll find the sync on/off switch in the plugin. At least in the DT plugin

If you can assign a Bitwig track output directly to one AK out, then it should work

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Thanks for your reply’s friends. The ERM is pretty far into my future, so maybe someday I will have the money…But the thought is in the back of my head.

I bought an ER-M three years ago when I began updating an archaic setup. The sudden resolution of all sync and latency issues was as bliss-inducing then as it is now.

I tend not to set Machine Mode to Positive only because two- and four-bar patterns often mean letting counts and cue points pass. That affects nearly all of my kit with independent sequencers.

I used to avoid using Overbridge because it was never as tight as the ER-M. Later revs fixed that, but here’s a really strange problem that no one else seems to have experienced (and doesn’t seem logical): the sound is tinnier through Overbridge. That seems farfetched, and there has been no corroboration, so I’m wondering if the output stage of my RYTM is damaged in some way. I do run the RYTM’s outs through an analog mixer and that does color the sound. But I’ve bypassed the mixer and plugged the RYTM directly into my interface and it still sounds less tinny than Overbridge. I wish I knew why.

But until I can address this (which will probably be after the pandemic), the ER-M will make things far easier.

Well there’s not master compressor or master overdrive, as well as no master VCA output amplifier when using overbridge. you’re tapping right at the track vca level which is gain-staged so as not to clip later stages so it’s always going to be quieter. The upside is you have a world of Compressors, distortions and other plugins available to you once the track is in the box.


I turned off the effects when I A/B’d, unfortunately, though I should have mentioned that. I do wish your good advice applied, though, for obvious reasons. What I should do is mute everything but individual sounds, listen through the outs and then listen to only those unmuted sounds through Overbridge. I’ll have to wait until next weekend to try that because I’m helping my girlfriend move materials, supplies and paintings to her mother’s art studio.

I should mention that the dual DCO has also sounded markedly scratchier of late and this isn’t limited to a kit, sound or project. So have other sounds, including samples. That, along with the strange difference in tone through OB and intermittent tuning issues, are what make me wonder whether if there is an internal problem or possibly failure.

At this point I wonder if Ableton has a market for a sync box?

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Resurrecting this thread because it comes close to answering a question I have, but not exactly.

I’m currently using Overbridge to multitrack a RYTM MK2 and occasionally a Digitakt via an Overhub. Otherwise, I’m running other synths and an OT through a Motu interface with very low latency. All this is going into Logic Pro X.

Assume I’m following best practices in terms of routing, not daisy chaining, minimizing the usage of background apps and all that. I’m not satisfied with the latency from Overbridge in comparison with audio coming through the Motu. Running the RYTM and DT through the Motu is undesirable because of the lack of inputs and having to plug and unplug gear that regularly gets transported. Using a single USB cable for each is just way more convenient.

I’ve heard references to “Core Audio device for multitrack streaming” instead of using Overbridge as a plugin. Does anyone know what this means? And would it have better performance for multitracking than the OB plugins?

I ask this here because I’m wondering if a multiclock would help me get my devices more locked in, but then overbridge essentially negates those gains.

Anyone have any experience with this?

Following up to, in part, answer my own question for anyone else wondering.

Ran lots of tests using OB to sync the RYTM and using the midi from my motu through the OT into the RYTM (not a perfect test, but reasonable for my set up).

Additionally, I tried recording audio via the OB plugin, from the RYTM as an audio interface and then through the Motu as the interface.

TL;DR Overbridge performed extremely well from a pure latency perspective. If I rely on the plugin to sync the rytm and pull in the audio, I was getting ~1/4 of a millesecond (whatever that is) latency. I can definitely live with that.

The best option of all was using OB to sync, but recording straight through the Motu as that allows you to use recording latency compensation. Theoretically, the same could be achieved with midi sync by using a negative midi delay in Logic’s settings as well, but at this point, I trust USB as my sync more than midi.

Of course, none of this considers jitter, which is the main thing a Multiclock probably solves for, but my theory is that OB’s sync is likely good enough in my set up.

In summary, I theorize that a multiclock probably doesn’t get you much gains if you’re primarily relying on OB to get your audio into the DAW, as you might as well use OB’s clock too. But for other gear (non-elektron or OT), that’s where the Multiclock becomes useful.

Anybody have an experience or more context that runs contrary to my barely-scientific conclusion?

Using it as your main audio interface, perhaps?

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I believe you’re right. At least that’s how I interpreted it and explored during my testing.

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It’s been a long long day and my brain is tired… I’m not ‘getting’ something here so hopefully one of the more experienced OB users can point out my mistake:

Logic Pro 10.6.2
ERM Multiclock
Analog Rytm mkII

I’m letting the ERM be the MIDI clock master for the AR2 over DIN MIDI and have set Sync in Overbridge to ‘No Sync’

The audio coming through the OB plug-in is affected by latency so i’m hearing it ‘late’ relative to the track. I assume this is normal latency. Sure enough if I monitor directly from the AR2 and OB at the same time I can hear the delay between the two audio streams.

When recording through Overbridge with OB set to ‘sync=clock+transport’ sure enough the AR2 is right on grid. The ERM is not used in this situation of course

One of the reasons I use the ERM Multiclock is that I have had terrible experiences with MIDI Clock via USB. I’ve read enough to understand why it’s not reliable so I’m naturally reluctant to krely on Overbridge+USB for MIDI Clock.

Is Clock via USB when managed by Overbridge reliable with regards to jitter etc ? Are my concerns unfounded ? Why not simply use MIDI Clock from the DAW?

Before I get too deep into adjusting my workflow with Overbridge I want to be sure I get it right from the start and be consistent.

I don’t use this setup but I’m certain @DanJamesAUS does and can speak to its reliability. I believe he’s praised it’s stability many times in the past. I don’t have any OB enabled devices anymore (or none that benefit from clock AH MKII) so I can’t test.

Can you send the OB midi clock to an OT in this setup? thanks a lot for your reply