Overhead Vibes: The Turing Test

I made a video where I loop modular melodies on the Octatrack. It’s half explanation and half Jamuary jam. Thanks for checking it out!


i like how interaction goes here, cool one!
i noticed you set condition for several trig simultaneously, although i always get probability applied to the last trig amongst all i held. are all the trigs you held affected on your unit?

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Thanks! The most genuine part of the video is just us messing around.

I admit I was not paying careful attention, I will double check and edit this reply with the answer.

edit: @ivarin you are correct! I didn’t realize this is a difference between the OT and DT, which you can group apply conditional trigs. TIL :smiley:

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Fantastic! This was a refreshingly different YouTube video that involved synths! Entertaining and enjoyable. Definitely want to see more vids like this.


thank you @RobertSyrett
it was quite disappointing to discover this difference from DT, i suspected that something might be wrong with my unit.
for me, in certain scenarios it’s easier to copy paste probabilistic trigs around rather than set it separately.
and again, that’s a very funny, entertaining and clever video you made there, moar!))

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