'P1 dub aborted' error

If you have MIDI clock receive and TRANSPORT receive turned on you will have the ABORT error.


Transport recievedoesnā€™t cause any issues for me, Iā€™ve been suing external transport control with pickup machines for years and never had a problem. External clock never works.

This was driving me nuts. Tried everything, midi clock, LFO pitches etc then just before giving up exasperated, spotted the slider was very slightly not against the stop at A. Found Iā€™d set up a B scene for +1 tone, as soon as I pushed the slider fully towards A, everything worked fine, no dub abort messages.


I guess the transport part shouldnā€™t matter anyway, ha. Definitely does not work with external clock - sadly that kills itā€™s usefulness for most of my ambitions.

Just to add here as it is perhaps not explicitly clear from comments on this thread: changing the project/pattern tempo after recording to a pickup machine will give the ā€˜dub abortedā€™ message. Once that pickup machine audio is erased it will dub again (at the new tempo). Kind of a shame.


spotted the slider was very slightly not against the stop at A.

Holy crow, sanity saved. Read your comment, walked over to Octa, sure enough, this was exactly my problem too.

what a shitshow , i keep running into the most ridiculous shit , at some point, why not use a computer