Pace of firmware updates?

Not especially, but it has a lot of button combinations for anything other than basic stuff.

It‘s not.

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Show me how to get Wavetables going on the Model:Cycles and I’ll buy you one too :wink:

I think he may be referring to Harmonics knob in the SYN1 page, I could be wrong

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That‘s got nothing to do with WT synthesis.

It’s literally how one of the machines are built. Straight from Ess lol. Get out the credit card.

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The Model:Cycles chord machine is FM based sound that let’s you scan through the wavetable I believe. Though I’d have to double check this.

Edit - here is the description from the manual.

I am amazed at the amount of complaining on this thread. We all want updates for our DN & DT machines, but the way some of you are drawing your conclusions about project management is ridiculous.

Try managing your own time to LEARN HOW TO USE YOUR SYNTH.

I’ve never seen the slave issue with the DN (or DT), and I’ve synced them in many different ways since I’ve owned them, with and without computers (w/Ableton & ProTools). I also have never had the clicking issue some people describe, but i have heard it and I know how to get rid of it if it is undesirable.

Without complaint, I will add a short list of desires for the DN, please get to these when possible:

•Retrig for MIDI tracks on DT & all tracks on DN
•arp for MIDI tracks in DN, plus p-lock for arp on DN & A4
•p-lock for DN syn2, pg 2 switches.
•swing per track on ALL devices.


I have been an Elektron customer since day 1, and I can honestly say I don’t think that I have ever been more satisfied with any other company.
From the manuals, to the updates, to support, to the actual machines themselves, no other company comes close in my experience. I have purchased almost every product they have made, and they instill a level of trust in me that most other companies don’t.

There have been a few bumps in the road, but overall I think they are pretty awesome.


The only thing i want to mention is that i hope that the machines like DT/DN and the new MODELs will become further OS-Updates in the future without bringing out necesseraly new mk2´s.

Perhaps it is a solution to bring out new pcbs which fit in the case. Or to refurbish the units. I think this in a way about handling the ressources in a smart way.

I am very happy with the products.

Elektron is doing a great job supporting their products through updates.


You can trust me on the freezing issue on the DN :wink: i send a lot of midi from DT to the DN (not just clock) and it does freeze randomly every now and then. Luckily not during any gig I’ve had (knock on wood). I’ve reported this to Elektron and they are aware of it. I’ve got multiple photos of the crash screens too.

Not a complaint, it’s just a fact. And it is part of everything that contains software. Eventually it will get fixed.

As far as digitone goes, it’s incredible and a finished product as is with a few bugs that will be addressed I’m sure. Any added functionality will be pure gravy at this point.


Trigless lock reverb swell team 2020

My Digitone feels like a “complete” product to me, and has all of the features I expected after reading the manual and watching review/tutorial/demo videos online before I made the decision to purchase a $750 sequencing FM synthesizer.

That being said, an update with a couple of new things and minor bug fixes would be nice. :slight_smile:


Ah, that will teach me to read more carefully. I think I just basically said what you said with different words. :wink:

Remember how, not too long ago, when they dropped operator detune along with individual track scaling?

What a glorious day that was. We were all so happy.

I don’t so much want new features on my machines as much as I want to feel that spirit of victory again.

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I suppose making a really killer track might give me that satisfaction, but it would be easier for me if Elektron can provide me that satisfaction.

One of the few things that bother me on the Digitone is voice stealing - if you trigger the same note on the same track twice, it will click, regardless of amp envelope. There is a workaround via some combination of (I think) phase and amp reset but I keep forgetting. Seems they are working on it, though:

And yes, p-lockable arp, slides and retrig would be great additions as well… :wink:

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I think Digitone could be one of the best FM synth around with a few more missing features.

p-lockable arp, random arp, retrig, filter envelope for modulating a destination.

I don’t know parameter slide is feasible. But hope Elektron can update with it.


I wouldn’t hold your breath for features another box has, they want you to buy an octatrack. Ideally just use any external arp. Fastest way to get what you want there and there’s millions of options out there. :slightly_smiling_face: