Parameter lock memory full?

So even portamento p-locks are not counted? If I p-lock portamento On and a different glide time, that won’t count against the 72 slots? Seems a bit arbitrary to me.

Oh no, it actually does remove the oldest locks? That’s such a weird behavior!

I noticed when I was rebooting that some parameters had been lost, but then when I reloaded the project from the project list (without saving changes), they came back. Not sure but that could be a separate issue. Sometimes it seems to forget some things after a power cycle, or reset some things, even whole patterns, and a reload of the project takes care of it.


I asked if that was the case in an earlier post, but not sure if I understand correctly; when you say “as soon as save and reload or reboot” - you mean saving basically fixes the new p-locks and before one still had the chance to reload an earlier saved state?

Are you telling me that Elektron will go the Subscription path and every p-locks will cost something (someone mention it in another thread as a joke). :rofl:


if you restart the machine - any plocks considered (and momentarily shown) as added beyond Full will just vanish

The p-lock limit gets more confusing still it seems. :rofl:

yes + I will charge for direct questions too :tongue:

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Is that a four finger button combo?
Function + I will charge to skip the “Are you sure?” prompt?


Yes, PTIM and PORT are cleared when you clear Kit Data, not the other parameters.


Crystal clear, thank you!

I hope someone has already sent a request to Elektron to bump the p-lock count on the Syntakt. If not, I better do that right now.


Yep. And clarify the behavior :

I plocked all parameters (49) on a trig on track 1. I can copy it 64 times. (64x49=3146 plocks !)
But, if I copy it on track 2, Lock Mem Full warning.

So I kept 1 trig on track 1, with 49 plocks, then plocked a trig on track 2 : had the warning after 30 plocks, hence 79 plocks, 49 different parameters.

I don’t know how it is counted, it seems related to tracks.

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It always remembers the state it was in when powering off. This is not a seperate issue :slight_smile:
What happens is:

You reach the limit and keep plocking. So far nothing is really happening as the plocks over the loimit can be heard and the first plocks of the project as well. Now you turn off digitakt and turn it back on. The newest plocks will still be there but the oldest plocks will be gone (as many until the 72 limit is reached).

This also applies to saving the project and then reloading the project.

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You sure about that? :wink:

Edit: just scrolled further down where it was acknowledged.

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The oldest plocks, not the latest (on DT and DN anyway, not 100% sure but I expect it to work the same on ST). It’s really annoying.

perhaps if you save, but not if you don’t in my experience (i.e. not bothering with saving to test) !

Yeah if you had saved before going over the limit you can reload and you will be at that same point again. It’s just when you go over the limit and then save the project that you are screwed.


On the DT and DN this is or at least was the case in both situations. Maybe this has been changed in the latest updates though. Maybe worth to test again. Ever since that happened a few times I’ve been very careful not to go over the limit because I destroyed a few patterns that way

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ha im going to edit it now though :+1:

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The limit seems to be 79 different parameters (set once).
49 plocks on Track 1, then 30 max in FX track.

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