I’m trying to trigger MD from OT midi track, by using Map editor however it is not working correctly.
I set all chromatic keys on OT (C0 to D1#, 1 to 16), but some trigger doesn’t work. They work properly on chromatic key mode, but when I set trigger, some don’t work( Such as Pat2 of C0#, Pat5 of E0…) on Sequence.
Yes I know about Program change, but it is always belongs to the Track on OT?
I mean, it is not possible to change program with only changing pattern, isn’t it? P.change parameter is inside of Midi note set up menu and it is not changed if I change pattern.
I tried to this for Bass synth(Minitaur) but after understand that it is not good idea.
Maybe I have to change bank, or Part. Or can I do with another method?
no you should check the program change in the setup menu of OT and program change in global setting menu of the MD. I think you also have to make sure that MD is receiving midi data like crtl-in and OT is sending.
It will become a separate midi channel on which the machine communicate which pattern is running. So if you select A01 on the OT, MD will also switch to A01.
And yes you can also you program chance in midi tracks to change the sound patch on the Minitaur. This works. But elektron machine communicate as indicated above.
Yes but problem is, pressing by keys on OT is working but midi trigger on sequence it doesn’t work. This is the problem.
Yes alternative I can set some other keys, but it is easy to understand that patterns and keys are same position, like 1 to 16.( Also chromatic key mode in OT).
map setting in MD is correct, therefore it works on pressing keys.
But why not on sequence?
If I don’t make mistakes, the only way to trig the MD from the OT AND at the same time to be able to change patterns without waiting the end of the entire pattern, is to use midi notes. You can’t do that with program changes, witch is a serious limitation.
BUT when using midi notes to trig the MD from the OT, I still don’t understand the strange interactions between the project midi page and the pattern page where you set the lenght of pattern before changing (ie: from 2/16 to all pattern).
I really think that Elektron shoud take more time working on this issue, in order to improve the possibilities of its machines during live acts: many livers can’t wait the end of a pattern before changing to another. unless if you play classical electro of ages ( ), you will need use the OT (or the MD) in a more “cut up” feeling (like in breakcore).
Heej, thanks for this thread. I now understand your request and in fact I also face the problem that the MD only chances the pattern at the end of the OT pattern. Currently. I used the arranger/song modes as a work around.
But it would be much easier to arrange “MD patterns inside the OT patterns” instead of using the complicated songs mode.
But I understand from this thread that it is not possible to program this in to the sequencer. You have to press OT midi keys to change the patterns on the MD?
Actually, you can play live in pattern mode and change the patterns on the fly on the OT, and the MD will follow without any lag, only if you program a midi note at the begining of evry OT pattern AND also if you send the right midi note (look at the MD Map Editor to know witch note send to change witch pattern). You also need to set the scale (lenght) the pattern will play before changing when you press the trig: it can be done in the project midi page and (and that’s the issue) it also must be done in each pattern page.
I tried both method with midi key note and P. change, after I understand that both have time lag, as MD reacts to chage pattern anyway we have to wiat till current pattern ends. Or maybe do I need to change some settings?
on MDs map editor, I do cue function, the it doesn’t matter how long note. Works as trigger of pattern.
I’ll try other setting like “Start” and GATE…
By the way, your English is quite good and I’m also not native(JPNs).
I use the START setting in the MD, and got no time lag.
There is a minimum time setting on the OT: it’s 2/16. If you use a 2/16 setting, you can change pattern manually on the fly. But it’s risky because sometimes you can be in the wrong measure (the beginning of a pattern on the OT, and the end of the pattern on the MD), because it’s hard to be precise with this setting.
If you use a 16/16 setting, you can change patterns more comfortably, just waiting for the end of the measure and then press the trig during the last 4 bars of the measure. The MD and OT patterns will change at the beginning of the next measure.
Don’t forget to change midi channel in each OT pattern (ie: channel 1 on the OT, if you receive on channel 1 on the MD) , and to valid this setting (with “enter/yes” on the OT), because if you forget it, all the setting won’t work.
Yes by the start setting, it works good for me - but still it has bit of delay and doubles every each time of first step.
1 2 3 4
Dom chi Dom chi Dom chi Dom chichi
1 2 3 4 5(Here!)
Dom chi Dom chi Dom chi dom chichi DDom chi Dom chi…
I’m using 64/16 setting for pattern change, so should be ok.
Yes I know this problem of the first step. I think it’s due to the midi note that is being sent by the OT. That’s why it should be a better solution to use a Program Change, but unfortunately, that doesn’t works. I really think that Elektron should work on this issue. I also have the Yamaha RS 7000, and I got the same problem with the MD. It’s even worst with the RS7k, because it’s midi clock is very bad, so I need an external midi clock (a laptop).
I found a solution, witch is not perfect but better than listening a click each first time of first step: instead of setting the midi time of the midi note to INF, set it just a little bit shorter (the indication that appears when tweaking the knob counter-clockwise from INF). Then you’ll still ear the click on the very first step, but no more after.