Pattern write protect for Ctrl-All (Restore Pattern on exit?)

Thanks @DaveMech for the even more easy solution.

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OMG Thanks Dave! I really hoped such thing existed! Now this is a proper workaround with virtually no cost! :exploding_head:


But you could still apply the “if you need it three times, refactor it” heuristic. And two copies of the pattern isn’t three. Think of patterns as functions. Pattern 5 is “swimSwimSwim()”; 6 is the “rideTheWave()”; 7, although it has the same notes as 5, it’s actually “restartPadding()”. No need to DRY. No spaghetti (but maybe some seaweed).


the good practice of doing it is still this tho :smile:

void RestartPadding()

As I see it, THAT’s the spaghetti. DRY isn’t about avoiding having similar lines of code, it’s about avoiding having two bits of code capture the same intent, and here you have two different intents.



why would I need to “divert” to another function if I’m going to create a brand new function just to do it! so, why not have a simple “resetPatternOnExit” boolean that presses Func+No as soon as you call swimSwimSwim again, if it’s “true”?

how does duplicating all contents of a function and additional creating dependency (thus twice the amount of work if you want to tweak something in it, which is highly prone to human error) more practical than simply having a boolean?

OK, maybe you don’t have two intents… maybe you want to go 5->6->5->6, and each time you go through 5 you build the tension with [CTRL ALL]. Is that right?

Could you automate the tension-building, with LFOs, so you don’t have to perform it?

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well technically I can, if I use the midi loopback trick since i’m usually tweaking multiple parameters (as far as filter + reverb + delay + overdrive + bitcrush sometimes :smile: ) but it’s getting further away from “live” when you strip the “perform” from it :sweat_smile: (and i don’t know if it’s worth all the trouble especially compared to the workaround @DaveMech suggested)

Yes please for the feature request. Unfortunately it will not happen probably, but one should never stop dreaming…
I submitted various times for a4 and in general the request for possibillity to toggle write protect or toggle turn off autosave.
No answer, also if there is a simple tecnical reason its not possible to toggle that.
People seem to like autosave. Its a mystery for me, but… i and we have bigger problems.

Apart from that i love all the reload stuff on dn and a4. On dn ctrl-all, then reload track, page etc etc. For saving pattern and not starting from scratch i use copy, reload, paste, save ( on dn save to project). On dn ( simpler) it can also be done on the fly

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(not that it’ll change anything but) maybe “upvote” this? The Digitakt Feature Request Thread - #4110 by boorch

Thanks. I don‘t have dt. a4mk1, dn and ot ( no pattern reload there, don‘t use ot enough sadly)
My only hope is, when one day I come to the other dimension, something can answer my big questions in life: Why can we not turn on/off autosave or write protect on elektrons
and why on a4 i can toggle reload kit on change but not reload pattern on change ( i will explain to the thing: pattern is where the divine elektron plocks live on the majestic a4)