Pedal alternatives to Magneto

I left Eurorack and transitioned to Buchla, and all that’s left is Strymon Magneto, because I just love the sound. I’m wondering though if it makes sense to keep a small Eurorack case just for that reason and if should swap Magneto for a pedal or desktop device.

Currently I use Magneto only as a static send effect with a SSL Big Six: no modulations, most often not more than two playheads, no Spring Reverb. So what I need is a basically a Stereo Tape Echo with Tap Tempo, which sounds similar to Magneto (Tape Age, Wow & Flutter). Ideally it would work with mixer/line levels without additional reamping box.

The most obvious choice would be Volante? Any thoughts or other ideas?

Magneto is basically a very fancy El Capistan, right? From what you describe you use Magneto for I think El Cap would fit your needs. Love mine.


Thanks! I considered El Capistan, but what kept me off was that I thought it’s just a mono delay. But it’s not? I did a quick “stereo” search in the Capistan manual, but it only mentions that it has a stereo out. No word though on stereo delay modes, so I thought the stereo out is just for bypassing a stereo input signal?

Ah yea I see what you mean! It’s definitely stereo through for the dry side of the signal when you set that internal jumper to make it accept stereo in signals, but it seems Strymon are kinda vague about the actual wet delay signal being stereo or just dual mono when you use both L and R out. They do mention that the processing side sums a stereo in signal and processes it as if it were mono in, but they don’t specify if the output is true stereo or dual mono.

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I like my Volante. It does sum to mono before the delay. Doesnt the Magneto do that as well? Or is it “dual” effects all the way?

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“True stereo” and a stereo bypass path are not important to me, so it doesn’t matter if a stereo input signal will be summed to mono.
What’s important though is that the delays offer stereo modes. I have a few mono synths and the delay should add some stereo image.
So I guess that rules out El Capistan, and keeps Volante as an option?

All Strymon delays (as far as I know) work the same way: for the wet, delayed signal, they sum to mono, then reconstitute a stereo image at the output – this is generally accomplished by adding a slight, additional delay to one of the output taps. That applies to El Cap as well as Volante (and any of their other delay offerings) – these offer a stereo output for mono or stereo inputs (the earliest El Caps were only mono in, but I would imagine most in existence these days allow stereo input, as that change was made years ago).

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Since you can pan the different heads on the volante you can get some stereo effect on the delays. But that part works pretty much just like the Magneto you already know. :slight_smile:


Strymon support told me that of the pedals they offer, Volante is going to be the closest sounding to Magneto (which was to be expected), but that the algorithms are still different.
Hard to tell how different they sound – unless someone here owns/owned both…?

Surely TimeLine will do the trick. It has two types of tape sims and all the warbly goodness anyone could desire.


Timeline is what I’d go for. As far as I know it also has true stereo operation, plus a ton of bonus algorithms that sound great. Also loops, but unfortunately not in sync.

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El Capistan has an internal jumper so that it accepts stereo input over TRS. I have mine setup this way.

You can pry this pedal out of my cold, dead hands. I love my El Cap. <3


It’s got nothing on the El Capistan. I’ve owned the Timeline twice. It feels like a ‘jack of all trades, master of none’. The only one I really miss on it is the ‘Lo-fi’ delay. It’s the ‘Destroyer’ machine from Mobius with a delay line added. Nice effect.

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Oooooooooooooo hot damn! Really!?!?
“Oh hi El Cap, welcome to my radar :blush:


Funnily enough I’ve been digging that one heaps recently.

I wouldn’t call the TimeLine a Jack of all and master of none but each to their own :+1:

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Soooo, I listened to some demos and agree with most of what was said here:

  • El Capistan: Indeed the best tape emulation imho. Parameters and sound are very close to Magneto. Just a slight offset between left and right to create a “stereo impression” though. Just one delay line and therefore no typical stereo delay effects.

  • Volante: Tape emulation not as perfect as El Capistan, but close. Biggest downside here is that Warble/Flutter and Tape Crinkle are combined in one knob, while they are separate in El Cap (and Magneto). Four separate delay lines with individual panning for typical stereo delay effects.

  • Timeline: I agree that the tape delays don’t quite match El Cap and Volante. Close, but still – and I don’t need all the other modes. A versatile delay, but not the right one for me I guess.

It looks like it is Volante – at least if I stay in the Strymon universe.
And if not: Free The Tone FF-1Y anyone?

Nice to hear your opinions.
Wishing you the best with the Volante!

One last word
If it is tape you’re after then I say go for the real thing.

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I agree – in theory. :wink:Someday, maybe…

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for odd fun on the El Cap: plug a CV input from your favorite control source, to the EXP In.
depending on what signal you send - you can get some extra weirdness goin on as you adjust things. maybe not traditionally usable sounds, but definitely some interesting stuff.

  • found out by accident one day by plugging in wrong cable

I feel bad after receiving so much advice on Strymon pedals, but I ended up ordering a 2nd hand Free The Tone FF-1Y. It’s not a dedicated tape delay, but it has two flexible delay lines and allows for very detailed shaping of the sound (distortion, various EQs, phase shift modulation). I heard so much praise about this pedal that I’d like to give it a try. I’ll report back.
(And if I don’t like it: there are always Volantes on offer…)