Petition to stop Akai from forcing "check in" for plugins

Some might say that is dramatic, but I feel similarly, with the caveat that if it can still continue to work without a particular software/computer platform then that is ok.

Imagine a guitar that was rendered unusable after 5 or 10 years due to software, but more concerning I bet some prick somewhere is working on the idea.

This is exactly why I put my hope in the hacker community. Corporations are inherently greedy, Governments are inherently slow (and often unwilling due to the Corporations) but some kid in their parents basement/crowded internet cafe is just curious enough and rebellious enough to say ā€œfuck thatā€.

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Do you mind if I share this response on other platforms? Iā€™ve been taking 5 minutes here and there and spreading the word

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And the next step, would probably be subscription for pluginsā€¦

I refuse to speculate either way. Indeed, a fix is all that matters.

As someone who has been on the inside of product development, with many a gear manufacturer over the years, I can tell you that itā€™s typically a little of both. That is to say, money is not always driving the bus, but it can sometimes be the mud on the windshield.

I try to use my connections and good rapport, with the people in the industry that I know, to open constructive conversations wherever possible. To which end, reason often prevails.



As long as you donā€™t change the wording or context in any way, by all meansā€¦



Copy/paste all the way :slight_smile:

like to reddit discussion if anyone needs more discourse about it :slight_smile:


This reminds me of the GTAV radio ad :laughing:

This deserves to not only be mentioned here to spread and sign to musicians in general, but the people running @Elektron with their recent survey and looking to where there moving the company forward with. This is a disrespectful practice.

Piracy is sad. But things can be done to curb it on markets online. Hurting users to your bottom line is what this practice is. Plain and simple. So Elektron, listen up as well. Roland pulled this, I would have spent the 200.00 for the System 8, and it is a respectable synth hardware or VST, I was ready to own it and would have paid more but that tether is the cut. And I wonā€™t support any of it. And neither should anyone, especially to effect a dedicated hardware device like MPC Live.

That is an impish slap to the face to someone who bought that. Even though the company only gets to profit off it once. They should charge an amount that takes that into consideration.

The System 8 is like 2Gā€™s. Go ahead Roland, you put in the research on that killer ACB charge 300 or 4 for the plugin, but give it up. This is worthless in that state. And now Akai want to pull it on the hardware. Put it to a stop. If Akai keeps playing like that Iā€™d dump that turd right back on them. Other than a midi controller and a midi cable I donā€™t really support Roland. And I wonā€™t drop a dime on there pay to play racquet. Charge the value upfront figure it out. TE has shameful customer service but they get their money up front and people pay it.

Iā€™ll continue to support Elektron. I sold my hardware synth. Missing it hard as a dedicated instrument. iMonopoly on a touch screen isnā€™t that fun. Sliding my fingers around. Iā€™m hankering for my hardware synth and itā€™ll likely be a Syntakt. You put that crap on devices, your digging your own grave.

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It fascinates me that people buy an MPC/NI or Roland device to ā€œget away from the DAWā€, when all they are doing is buying a cheaply made @ chinese factory low end computer buried under a plasticky hardware interface.

Roland cloud made the blueprint for this phone home nonsense but the reality is their cloud software is not even best in class anymore because they barely update it. Akai synths are not even close to that level, the modulation in the MPC is elementary school level stuff and yet they basically slapped cheap software and a cheap CPU in a box and are milkng it for all itā€™s worth.

I put my money where my mouth is and bought an MPC One after being told here that it is not a DAW in a box. Initially I liked it, but once I started digging in and really pushing the machine, it fell very short in multiple categories such as iverall sound, timing, sync, modulation to name a few. To the point where Iā€™d rather just work on an old MPC with a basic monotone screen if I want to use hardware.

Reality is a laptop + DAW + controller destroys all of this stuff and we all know it. I get why people would rather perform with hardware because they want to power up and go and not worry about bugs or updates happening. But the reality is that is happening with all the major ā€œhardwareā€ vendors offerings now aynway. So what are you really paying for? A cheap CPU that can only run mid tier plugins, but it has nice pads?

Personally Iā€™d rather use a controller like a push, close the screen of the laptop and perform like that if I had to. Or just go old school with my old MPC and Octatrack and a synth. The good old days. For releasing music, it makes zero sense for me to use "modern hardware " anymore when I can sit down with Ableton and get plenty of inspiration from it while on my couch, on a mountaintop or whatever other fetishized music making location has been marketed to us.

Anyway, silly rant over, I just hate what Akai Roland and NI have become. I hope for everyoneā€™s sake that this is not the model moving forward for hardware because it really just feels like some kind of scam to me. I give a lot of respect to modern vendors like Dirtywave and Elektron who do it right when it comes to making standalone hardware that can tak nicely to your laptop when you need it to.

I hate what a lot of hardware has become now. Itā€™s stupid.


I have a few current Roland machines and they work fully standalone, only requiring electricity, just like Elektrons. But this Akai stuff with hardware features having to be activated online - hard pass! I might as well use the computer then, at least itā€™s always online and easier to manage. But no subscriptions for me.


none of the (current) paid-for MPC standalone content is a subscription. itā€™s a one-time online activation for firmware and paid plugins as long as you remained logged into your Air account on the device

@Buad hath spoketh, let it be so, else he Ruskie up some guys, cough, snoke 'em.


I thought we banned snokingā€¦

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This is a concern with any software based music tool, including Overbridge. Plugins require constant updating to work with whatever the current MAC/Windows OS is, so thereā€™s always the threat that company will go out of business, hold updates behind a paywall (hi Waves) or simply stop supporting the product. I guess the tradeoff is you donā€™t have to worry about a plugin mechanically breaking or getting stolen.

You forgot the audio/MIDI interface. :wink:

At any rate, I agree with you, on the performance and configurability front anyway. But I still prefer the MPC for what I do, because itā€™s all four of those peripheral devices in one convenient box.

And yes, thatā€™s bound to come with some compromises.

Hey, if it were only to sit on the desk at home, itā€™d be a different story; but I tour with my gear.



For sure. Touring changes things, i totally agree.

You activate it on the mpc, you only have to buy it online, and have an account. Same with any store online.
And no way a elektron is the sameā€¦
I have a digitone keys, and had a digitakt.
They are hella awesomeā€¦ but they arenā€™t near the same level as a brainā€¦ not even playing the same game really.
All the people saying they sold their akai and to use a laptopā€¦noā€¦ Iā€™m not using a computer, say what you want, my mpc is not a computerā€¦ Atleast it isnā€™t to me and I would rather quit music then use a laptopā€¦
Luv my mpcā€¦ I just want them to fix this.


When youā€™re a cool kid and have computers with multiple DAWā€™s, a bunch of hardware synths, samplers, a desk full of Elektron boxes, FX pedals, groove boxesā€¦ you donā€™t worry too much about any one company turning Darth.

You can skin a whole room full of cats and chill.