I’m struggling to bond with the Pickups because there are so many little niggles, wondering if other folk just give up too or if there’s problems with my usage or expectations, one thing’s for sure, it’s not polished
I frequently get issues on screen with the graphics denoting Master/Slave, i posted before but nobody echoed my observations
frequently my previous slaves stay marked with the proper slave gfx, but this means i end up with this, plus it persists after a machine re-assignment when i restart a new project, again the gfx persists
I’m still getting issues where a slave pickup machine will radically take over the tempo of the marked master, this happens when i run with len set to off, so the slaves are ‘free’
often a PU m/c will have no marker, i’ve also saw during testing a machine play without any transport icon, ie just a blank tab !
anyone else having gremlins, for without some good user feedback this will persist and whilst it persists folk avoid it and so the issue goes on
BTW - no pitch adjustment or midi clock or scene assignments
i’ve also noted that PU machines are not keeping up if you multiply the master, a stopped slave @1x will not be same length when you use it
here’s a screen, confusing, one unmarked, one double marked
to keep things easy for testing - i run a plays free static on T1 with level down and the pick that up with the P tracks
tell me it’s me, please, because it seems really flaky to me
ps - it’s not only when i use Len Off fwiw !