I’m having a slight issue with the pickup machines. I record the audio into the OT, it’s there, going to the sound edit menu I can preview it and hear it, but it doesn’t play outside of the edit menu. Anybody have any experience with this? Anybody know what I’m doing wrong?
Maybe need a little more information to clarify this one…It seems like a mute problem. I just pick up machines all the time and definitely of the 5 machines they are by far the most problematic when it comes to basically everything. But what exactly are you doing/trying to do? How are you sampling?
I have a disaster area pedal. I’m triggering the recording from mics through a mixer into the machine. The sound wave appears after the recording is done, and I can preview it from there.
Maybe it’s an issue of a disabled track?
I’ve had a few issues with tracks that have that “Stop”-square vs “play”-triangle. I don’t know how I’ve disabled the tracks in the first place, much less how to activate them after having done so.
Thank you for your reply.