Playing big audio samples in loop on the Octatrack

Hi there!

I would like to playback an audio sample in loop on one track that is 9 MB in size.

I do not plan to edit or add any effect on the sample.

How do I go about with it?


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You can use 1ST trig condition or a one shot trig, in order to trig it only once.
Loop on in Playback/SRC Setup.

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Where can I set it as a one trig shot? Sorry for the noob question

One shot trig : Hold Function + Press trig until it’s orange.
1ST trig condition : Hold Trig + Press left or right arrrow, Turn Level button

Thanks for the tip on setting a one-shot trig! The project I’m working on right now is basically 8 tracks of one-shots. I’ve been setting a regular trig, then holding FUNC and hitting the regular trig a second time (which achieves the same thing with an extra step, I presume). Next, I want to explore using trig conditions with really low probability values. Also forgot about the “1st” condition, thanks again!

General add-on question: For a sample of that size - would it be a good idea to use a static track, streaming it from the card? Is there a rule of thumb for when to use flex vs. static?


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Yes, it saves Ram memory.

Keep in mind that with one shot trigs you might have to re-arm them.

There are several ways of re-arming one shot trigs and one shot recorder trigs, but basically when in grid recording mode [Yes] or [Func] + [Yes] re-arms one shot trigs on the active track, with grid recording not active, [Yes] or [Func] + [Yes] re-arms all one shot trigs on all tracks.
Personalize menu has an option if [Yes] / [No] re-arms / dis-arms one shots or if [Func] + [Yes] / [Func] + [No] is used.

If you just want to trig a sample or loop on one or several tracks it’s easier with 1st trig condition, because otherwise you’d have have to re-arm one shots before you can change to a another pattern with one shot trigs.


When you press FUNC + Trig 1 and it starts blinking in yellow, does it mean one shot trigger is enabled?

Indeed. Those distinctions are good to point out. Depending on your project, you may not want a track to restart (I’m using looping samples) with a pattern change. Of course, the onus is then on you to re-arm or otherwise trigger your samples at the appropriate times. The Octatrack is a wonder.

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If it blinks, it means it has been triggered or disarmed.
Check interesting @Schnork precisions.
I’d use 1ST trig condition and would use one shots for Rec trigs only (no trigs conditions for them).
For information, trig conditions were not available before MKII release. The OS is shared with MKI. One shot trigs were the only possibility to trig sample once with the sequencer, while looping a pattern.

Precision : even if you armed them all, if a one shot trig is played, all subsequent one shots of a track are disarmed, even if you change patterns, even with arranger.

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Thank you

Everything which replays normally (simple sample trigs) use static machines. There is no need to use flex machines for that. Whenever you want to modulate the start position or slot number (for sample chains) quite fast use a flex machine.

Or better: use a static machine until you experience that the static machine cannot follow fast enough, because it can follow quite far until it starts glitching.


I use Flex most of the time to avoid to read on the CF card, in order to preverve it.
Not sure it’s a good idea, maybe it is not good for RAM longevity?

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Was wondering the same thing about RAM :confused:

Don’t worry, and backup often.

Hmm…good question!
I´ll usually have flex machines set up for one shot drum samples and only use static machines for longer stuff like field recordings, background ambiences, modulated noise or rendered synth stuff from DAW.
Maybe indeed the other way around would make more sense…

Ram longevity is usually a lifetime althou gh its hard to quantify. Wheras card memory is about 100,000k cycles on average.

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Yeah, I thought it would be very unlikely that ram would fail just from using the device. Also if it ever happens, I reckon it would be possible to exchange the ram?

Btw, Is there any way to swap a flex machine for a static machine while keeping all settings and parameters? Octa Edit?

Not great but you can copy / paste to another track, change Flex to Static, and copy / paste the 5 parameter pages.

Probably. @Rusty?


Since CF cards have no moving parts, reads won’t harm it. You can read from it as often as you want. What harms flash memory are writes. But when you look up the specs how often you can write single cells on average and then perform some calculations you will soon guess that you cannot outwear flash memory within a lifetime of normal use. My oldest CF card which got tons of use in my cameras over more than a decade is still kicking without any problems.

With RAM it’s different. Normal dynamic RAM loses its content quite fast. You can think of its cells as little capacitors which leaks the stored energy over time. So in short intervals (~ 50-100 ms) its content needs to be rewritten (old content gets read out and be write to the same cells again). So here it doesn’t matter if you are using the RAM cells or not. They always gets written in short intervals.