Please Advise me on RYTM

Thanks again all,
Going to look at OT and A4
A little closer before making a decision

ok have scoped out OT and while totally loving the flexibility and creative control i just keep coming back to the RYTM sound, especially after listening to a few soundpacks
one final question on this thread if i may relating to overbridge and Ableton (Live 6)?
it seemed to be stated earlier that it wont work using Ableton in conjunction with OB due to latency issues? may i get some clarification on this? Can i not run in AR via the plug in and drop in loops/AU on additional tracks or does it hog too much CPU?
or do you need to record the audio and then build it up?
It would be great to keep it all fluid
Also quickly while i think of it…
In Maschine i eventually lost interest due to it not having the ability to record whole performances, parameter tweaks mutes in a fluid manner without workarounds , does RYTM have any way of recording a performance or jam? as often for me the magic happens in the moment and is lost once the other side of the brain is referenced for sequencer and composition duties
many thanks

You cannot record the knob movements AFAIK

Also, not sure overbridge will run on live 6.0

Any clarification on AL6 and OB would be great to know in advance
When you say you can’t record knob movements?
Is that within th AR sequencer or midi to DAW?

Not exactly sure (as I dont use live that much anymore), but I think your only option to record mutes, knob movements etc would be to use overbridge and an external midi controllers

I raised this q in a previous thread but I am trying to establish whether my current version of Live 6 is compatible with Overbridge ?
I haven’t actually purchased yet but I am fairly certain RYTM is what’s needed in my set up, just trying to get as much info as I can before spending a rather large sum of money on something that may require me to upgrade other aspects of the set up and yet further cost…

Live 6?

You should probably send your question to Elektron support. I highly doubt whether they have done much testing with an 8- to 10-year-old version of Live.

By the way, Elektron bundles a license for Live 9 Lite with the AR, AF, and AK.

8 - 10? has it really been that long?
I should really try to get that track finished then…

Live 9 lite, ok great, I didn’t see that one, thanks
seems like its time to take the plunge then, unless anybody wants to try to talk me out of it

live 6 - does it even have max for live? A lot of improvements, big and small, have been made to live since v 6

yeah i should probably upgrade anyways…
ok so i think i am going to go for a RTYM later today

just in case you overlooked it - the AR wont sequence external gear, there is no midi output other than clock

its not really that close to an MPC at all… it has trigger pads, thats about it. the AR is more properly a drum synth that can utilize samples

combined with an MPC, you should be fine - but it wont replace it

for what its worth, the OT is not really close to an MPC either… however it can sequence external gear, as well as sample incoming audio, process incoming audio, etc.

the elektron workflow is not necessarily “traditional” because of how unique the products are - but it does incorporate many traditional elements like xox and so forth… its hard to explain until you come into the fold :3lektron:

thanks yes aware of the non midi, thats fine, the MPC was great but better i feel with lots of outboard and sound modules, i wasn’t using it to its full potential in that regard and have managed to pass in on this morning, it will go toward the part funding of the RYTM which although different will suit my needs more and is more portable which is great for me at this stage, I used to really enjoy my old ES1 sampler which was more xox in nature,

cool - and in terms of raw sound, the AR is pretty much unmatched in this area - so if thats what you are after, its the one

also may i say what a great forum, thanks everyone for taking the time to answer what was a fairly mundane question, i really appreciate all of the advice despite not taking some of it but i feel the RYTM is for me and it may finally be the box that i wanted when the MC303 came out…all of those years ago

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Hi Digger,
live and rytm play perfectly in sync with ob because of the automated latency compensation. its just that latency will be around 45 ms when you use the usb audio transfer via ob. so when you play notes live with fingerdrumming, there will be some significant delay, but you wont notice this, when you just program beats. to shorten the latency, youll need an extra audio interface with 2 ins for the master output of the rytm and 8 additional inputs is you want to record all the individual sound on seperate tracks. ill recommend rme for their short latency.

dont expect an mpc workflow of the rytm or you wont be satisfied with it. its an excellent rythmmaschine, but no alternative to a daw to do full tracks. the sample capabilities of the rytm are just a bonus, and since the new rngines are out many people just skip them completely in favor of the analog sounds.

so consider wisely if you just have 1.5k to spend: do you want analog punch and a capable sequencer? then buy the rytm. Do you want to make full tracks, chop samples and mess around with loops. then go for a new version of ableton live with push or maschine. they are easier to learn and have more capabilities than an ot. if you wanna play and chop loops and combine it with analog punch, without a laptop, youll need to spend more than 2,5k for an ot and rytm.

Cheers Goat

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I have both Rytm and Push. Live and Push gives you a fulll production environment controlling both samples and synths… There really are no limits there.

The Rytm forces you into a more restricted set of capabilities, but for all kinds of minimal electronic music, this is actually enough to produce full tracks. It can not manipulate samples like a real sampler, but it is a fully featured groove box with a very powerfull sequencer Workflow.

I often find that restrictions boost creativity, and the Rytm allows me to avoid the distractions that a DAW creates by providing too many choices.


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i am unsure how i will integrate Live at the moment until i get the unit and start playing but i will try to find a used Maschine controller down the line as i do still have the software and i have seen them going at a reasonable price point for controller only

hopefully this would give me a few ways of working…
AR on its own away from the computer to get the idea moving and sketched out
then perhaps
Maschine providing sample chop/loop playback and AU hosting synced via midi to AR and (perhaps even audio from DAW run into AR to make use of the analog compressor)
this would give me a very powerful spontaneous creative environment

I am really at my most creative when in full flow and not having to drive the sequencer duties

then it could all be tracked out to Live or Logic for final touches,
So i am not expecting much control from Live to AR merely just sync until such a time as i wish to work solely within the DAW

does this make sense or am i limiting myself working in this way?
I tend not to make overly complex pieces but i do like to be able to play the kit to get it rolling

dont use maschine as a host, just as a plugin for your daw. at least in the studio the daw should control it all, maschine and/or ob. maybe you should try out the demo of ableton live first. play around with the drum tracks and the simpler, see if the workflow and the sound of the new analog filters suits you. if you like it, you might wanna combine it with push. if you like the maschine sounds and beat programming more, get a maschine mk2 or studio controller.


Ok so pushed the button and loving it so far
Just quickly if I may?
Can I delete samples from “incoming” folder once they are uploaded to a project?
Did a search but didn’t see anything relating to this directly
Also it came up earlier in this thread but I can confirm OB does show in Live 6 but only as VST and not as an AU

I just came here to tell you to buy it! It is without question the BEST drum machine on the planet. Hands down.