Plugins/iOS Apps similar to Monomachine machines

I’m starting to long for the Monomachine sounds again(FM specifically), and I want to see if I can find a decent enoug replica in the software realm(M4L and Reaktor preferable).

Anybody know anything that is close enough?


In iOS land, have you checked out Frum, Cassini, or Ruismaker FM.


Frum is unbelievably awesome- I wish the sound design were a touch more reliable(opposed to it’s random patch method). But it’s cool.

Ruismaker FM- I wouldn’t consider MnM comparable.

I’ll have to check out Cassini! Thanks for the advice!

Oh hey! @jefones it’s you! You’re picture change throws me off!

Cassini sounds brilliant- and for $4 I bought it immediately!


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I got tired of looking at the old pic lol.

Cassini is definitely one of my favs.

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I recall Elastic Drums iOS having FM synth and 4OP FM too, with lots of other juicy engines also…