Pluto Synth

I forgot about the sale time, but I was not planning on getting one this time. I look forward to hearing how others get along with it, though.

3 minutes, to be specific. I was so lucky to be able to snag one, but this is at the level of the M8 tracker at the beginning…almost impossible to buy one.

Anyone get there’s yet? Mine was supposed to come today but got delayed till Thursday. Curious to hear any first impressions!

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Mine came yesterday.
It’s really fun and quick to get interesting things happening with it.


Mine came today. It’s so much smaller than I was expecting, and I’m loving it so far. It looks and feels special to me. I have it next to the east beast, op1f and micromonsta 2!

Lots more exploring to do.

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Any tips so far from anyone that has it?

Performance tip for using the sequence knobs with random notes (full clockwise): The last pitch that step played when NOT random will be used as the reference around which the randomized notes will play.

Example: If a step is set to a low note, then turning the knob full clockwise to random will play a randomized low note on its next triggers. If it’s a high note, then you get randomized high notes, etc.

This is fun when playing a sequence and every x bars dropping a step into random, then back again. Works for build-ups too. I really like that it’s not “full scale” random.

I didn’t see this behavior specifically called out in the manual, maybe I missed it. Great little unit.

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Fantastic tip!

I’m obsessed with it. I got an op1f the other day but can’t stop playing with the Pluto. I think it’s remarkable.


Nice! Curious to know what you think of it pairing with just the East Beast? I’m enjoying this same duo too.

Should be pretty complementary, I’d say? Sample the Pluto, loop, repeat.

(Sound samples welcome)

I’m controlling it with the matriarch, but basically all the sounds are the Pluto alone. I barely even patched it.

I think it has one of my favorite built in delay/reverbs ever in a synth.

I am absolutely in love with the Pluto. What else is like this that I can explore?!

Fwiw, I barely know what I’m doing. It’s totally just guessing, I’m really beyond a beginner in all things Modular.


Maybe the 0-Coast?

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Damn, the Pluto looks pretty fun… Another device that you might be interested in is the Lorre Mill Double Knot. It’s on the more experimental end, but it has some similarities to the Pluto in that it’s a self contained west coast style semi-modular unit with a built in sequencer that can make semi-generative patterns. It uses banana plugs so you wouldn’t be able to cross patch with the Pluto, but it does have a 1/8 inch input and output for syncing with other gear (i believe the Pluto has that as well if I’m not mistaken?) It makes really nice melodic grooves and percussive sounds that I could see complimenting the Pluto nicely.

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I had the 0-coast once but couldn’t wrap my head around it at all. One thing I love about the Pluto is how freaking easy it is to use! All things modular are confusing to me and even things like the Moog Mother/DFAM/Subharmonicon can be intimidating for me.

But maybe it would still be really cool to use with the Pluto…

Thank you for this rec! Never heard of it but I’m going to look into it right now.

I have to say, a BIG part of the Pluto’s magic is in the delay/reverb. It’s sounds magical and is very very musical. I love the Pluto even without it, but having it right there makes it that much more special.

Why couldn’t they put it in a real enclosure? This just seems so cheap like some diy thing. Put it in a metal box with maybe some more stuff and I’ll be interested personally.

It never even occurred to me that this wasn’t a nice enclosure. I love how it looks and feels.


can anyone explain why this synth sounds so good?

assuming that this is a realistic demonstration of the actual sounds it produces, which i dont see why it wouldnt be. just hard to judge from youtube videos sometimes. but im wondering if it’s phase distortion synthesis that’s produces some of the more interesting but still musical timbres? i’ve never heard anything like it on digital or analog synths.

is it the engine? is it the dac? is it the synthesis method? also, do we know what the engine is (supercollider maybe)?

also are there any other synths that can get close to this sound? i’ve tried and loved the cz-101 but its a pain to program and im not sure its capable of all of this. im sure the sequencing and patching has a little to do with the timbral sculpting or the way patterns interact with the synthesis parameters, sort of like elektron p locks can heavily affect the overall sound. but it’s tough to find pd or even just exciting sounding digital polysynths in general these days, imho

its that strong fuzzy rich harmonic but still articulate and soft timbre that doesnt quite overly saturate im after. doesnt quite sound like fm. it is more casio-like, which i think the developer mentions in the manual.

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For anyone who missed the update of September 12th, there is new firmware with new features :

  • [NEW] Time-synced delay mode. Choose this mode in Configuration Mode with the TIME knob (TIME LED ON = Time-sync ON). Works with external sync too.
  • [NEW] Filter added to Voice 1 audio input mode. Modulate the filter the same as Voice 1 classic mode.
  • Wavetable voice modulation now affected by the pulse width of the input signal
  • SPREAD knob can produce more variable and interesting random sequences. (Rotation was added as a randomized variable of the euclidean rhythms.)
  • More balanced levels across effects modes

Also while they are able to get almost all the parts, they are having difficulty obtaining the microcontroller. This would delay another build over a year, so they are making some changes to use a slightly different microcontroller that is available, which allows them to work toward a new build and allow them to build more. So there will be a new build later this year.


This with an op-1 would be a lot of fun. Can you clock it to an OP-1 or modular clock to keep them both in sync? That and more cv control seem to be the biggest things but the Pluto sounds really cool!