I think you overestimate my ability for subterfuge…
Really, I wasn’t hinting… just engaging in a bit of braggadocio.
I think you overestimate my ability for subterfuge…
Really, I wasn’t hinting… just engaging in a bit of braggadocio.
So, MIDI or Audio?
Direct neural implants.
I have my answer : a 5-pin implant.
One for each of the five senses. If you have a sixth sense, you won’t need a cable…
I heard that the sixth sense is talent.
I see what you mean, but it still looks too skinny. Of course, Polyend could have cooked up their own adapter. I know my Tracker came with plenty of breakouts and adapters.
That’s why I still have a doubt.
So shall we get more news at Superbooth 22 ?
yep i hope so. I dont need it but i want it
Whatever it is, I hope they get Dataline to make demos. Tired of those 1 minute instagram clips with 20 different angles. Give us a proper demo!
Piotr mentioned that there will be more than one device (I quoted an email I received from him in another thread on Polyend predictions), so there could be two or more new products coming soon (maybe even companion devices) or they could be staggered throughout the year. Anyway, I thought I’d re-whet everyone’s appetite
Yeah, thanks for that dude! Appreciate it.
Their Tracker tutorial vids are the worst. They have a super closeup on one side of the Tracker that doesn’t show all of what the person is even doing, then it cuts to another closeup of the other half of the Tracker, all while you have to fight to read the text that is on the screen. One nicely framed overhead shot is all you need.
If this machine has a note mode with limnstrument’s type of layout it’d be an instant buy for me.
Tracker already does that
Are they velocity sensitive? Also I think you can’t play chords using it just as a midi controller.
I really don’t need all the Tracker Sampling capabilities, I love my DT. But l’ve fallen in love with grid note modes having a bass background.
I’d buy a Linnstrument but it is too expensive for me, specially trying to bring it to Latin America.
Interesting. So maybe similar devices with different sound engines, like the 1010 ketchup and mustard.
Pikachu and Charmander
Not velocity sensitive (Medusa is, and MPE too) and yes you can play up to 8 notes at a time over midi so long as the voices aren’t taken up by samples. I used it as a controller with scales and different layouts many a time.