I figured out a formula for drop, break and build placement - spots in songs some people may be used to these things happening
Say you’re running polymeter beat with a 7/16 loop and 4/4 loop. To make them fall back in line
7*16 = 112 bars. This number needs to be converted back to steps, so 112/2 * 16 = 896 steps. You can place or unmute a splash or FX on bar 57!
This formula seems to work for all kinds of configurations
3/16 loop
316 = 48/216 = 384 steps or 24 bars! Put the drop on the 25, 49 etc
Not sure how tight my math is but - here’s something…
Your description is a bit odd; possibly you are a little confused by time signatures and sequencer steps.
It’s natural to think of a 7/16 loop as lasting 7 Elektron-sequencer steps.
It’s natural to think of a 4/4 loop as lasting 16 Elektron-sequencer steps.
In which case the two patterns would come back into phase after 7 repeats of the 16 step pattern and 16 repeats of the 7 step pattern.
But maybe that’s not what you meant.[/quote]
Thanks, Peter - I think we’re saying the same thing. You’re correct, both loops would meet back up at the seven.
The music I listen to and try and reproduce typically drops on the 1, 9, 17, 25, 33…etc
I’m looking for that common beat where an odd loop like 7/16 matches up with a straight loop such as a 4/4 on the typical drop. These two match up at the first point of what I describe above after 58 bars and therefore the drop is on the 57.
Dropping a beat on the 8 might be cool, but would sound a little weird for what I’m trying to make.
I hope that makes sense