Possibility of MIDI sequencing through sacrificing a voice?

This is not the machine you are looking for. Deal with it.

Going to the market, buying a horse, and later complaining about that it can’t fly like Pegasus?

To stay professonal, is very easy. Read the specs prior to a purchase and decide as an educated customer, if it fit’s to your requirements or not. It’s quite easy, isn’t it? Hope this does not sound negative or arrogant. It’'s only my personal experience to get satisfaction.

BTW … there have been people around, who started their own developments, because nobody else wanted to do it … and finally created successfull business :wink: … like Elektron.

This is not true.

They guys having knowledge of every function of all of our units, integration with alot of different equipment, all major DAWs, the actual electronics and even sound design and composition are wizards. They are very much involved.

The requests do end up in the correct place if contacting support, and while "multiple people from Elektron obviously read this forum" the ones you think you are trying to reach do not.

Please discuss feature requests, bugs e.t.c but also keep sending them :slight_smile:

You’re kidding right? Elektron machines are (in)famous for having loads of esoteric button functions with no visual cues on the face plate.

You’re kidding right? Elektron machines are (in)famous for having loads of esoteric button functions with no visual cues on the face plate.[/quote]
Hi Elektroon , I wondered when you would find the next occasion to do your thing .
In Belgium we say " If you wanna beat a dog, you’ll always find a stick "

If the these few button - combinations are " esoteric " for you you should maybe find some instruments that fit your intelligence or buy some glasses. It seems to be a hell of a job for you to push some buttons at the same time. How you manage Control + Alt + @ on a computer - is a mistery to me

The point I was making was that there are often no “visual cues” on Elektron (and other) machines faceplates for some functions and it doesn’t matter - not having them isn’t against their “design principals”. Not sure what you’re on about with “fit your intelligence or buy some glasses”, can you clarify?

I would be careful how much longer ya’ll go on about this MIDI sequencing issue…
That dude in that scene was later assasinated.

I would be careful how much longer ya’ll go on about this MIDI sequencing issue…
That dude in that scene was later assasinated.[/quote]