Possible bug in Re-trig


I’ve read around this forum alot and noticed that re-trig doesnt seem to be fully finished yet in regards to the OS… with problems like the following you will read and functions like - LIVE RECORDING MODE… <<< [EDIT - Does anybody know when this is going to be released?]

when re-trig is on i have gone into the velocity settings and made it so a higher velocity pressure means = more filter + volume on certain tracks.
This Works really well just in the normal view - (the view of which you have all 12 sounds available to free play). = When re-trig is pressed i am able to hold down a pad different pressures thus allowing the velocity after touch sensors to actually work
eg. after the inital press, i can hold it down lighter and you hear it less, hold it down harder and it has alot more presence in the mix.

the problem now is that this is not affected in Chromatic mode, the only pad (note) it works on is its own assigned pad all the other pads(notes) are not affected by velocity aftertouch at all.
at first i thought it could have been that i would have had to go into every pad’s settings and adjust the velocity settings, but then when i found it works when a different track is assigned to chromatic mode, the same problem occurs only this time it still only works to its assigned pad and all other notes dont.

I kind of hope that this is actually an OS issue - cause that means it won’t involve me having to go into a TRACKs chromatic settings and adjust every pad accordingly… has anyone else noticed this? or any other weird/annoying things in conjuction to Re-Trig.

If this bug/feature that i have just mentioned is easily fixed PLUS Re-trig LIVE Recording gets fixed it would be an awesome feature!
hope this has made sense

After spending a few hours looking into this, (the manual and searching the rytm)
It seems like it is not possible to do yet, So im gonna leave this here just incase someone from elektron sees it and puts it into an OS update - would be great to see