Apologies if this is a really dumb question. I am new to electronic music so I have a lot of gaps in my basic knowledge.
I brought a sample pack from Isotonik studios with some cool distorted drum sounds. These were made for the Novation circuit. There are individual sysex files for each sample and then one file that seems to be a combined “soundpack” sysex file.
Is these sysex files able to be loaded into the Digitakt? I’d obviously rather not load them all on to the Circuit and feed into Dt and sample individually.
Ps…I have read the Dt manual and the Elektron Transfer manual. Don’t think it’s really covered in those.
The digitakt should support the Midi Sample Dump Standard. You would probably have to use C6 to transfer the files, instead of Transfer.
I think you should try it out, and let us know the results
Tried it already. Was in sysex recieve…Dt never said anything apart from waiting…?
I assume I had these settings wrong?
Found the C6 manual. Didn’t really explain anything of use for this situation sadly.
you cannot send sysex direct from another manufacturers dump file direct to another manufacturer’s device - you would need to extract the wave data (if encoded) from the sysex file or find a way to get the wave data into SDS as explained - a novation.syx will not load on anything but the specific novation device it was intended for (unless somebody writes some software to extract the useful data)
Thank you very much for the clarification folks. Much appreciated