Possible to Sample Trig a Thru Machine?

Hello all,

Thanks for a great forum. New user here.

Apologies if this has been covered. I can’t seem to find a solution here.

This is my setup:

T1 - Static (kick)
T2 - Static (hat)
T3 - Thru (listening to midi-controlled Volca)

I can hear my sounds by hitting the sample trigs T1/9 and T2/10, but nothing happens on T3/11. May i ask why that is?


did you put a trig on t3?

Yes, I’ve put trigs on T3. In record mode the sound comes through perfectly. However, when I manually press the sample trigs (in not-record mode) I can’t hear T3.

is that because when you manually hit the trig, the volca isn’t already making noise?
By default a thru track has infinite hold and release, so as soon as you hit it, it’ll show a little play icon next to the track, which will stay on until you stop it manually (track+stop / stop+stop). Any audio you send through on the inputs assigned to the track will come through, but a thru track wont send midi out to you device. Though it may be possible if you assign the volca to the same midi track as the thru track (sometimes my sample tracks send midi out to my virus).

Thanks for the ideas. That makes perfect sense that a Thru track does not send MIDI – it only sends out what it is coming in. So, for now, no sample trigging a Thru track.
BUT… In MIDI mode, I can sample trig a MIDI track fine, but only when I put it in Plays Free mode.
New Question: Flex/Static sample trigs work regardless of being in Plays Free mode – why is that?

Thanks for the ideas. That makes perfect sense that a Thru track does not send MIDI – it only sends out what it is coming in. So, for now, no sample trigging a Thru track.
BUT… In MIDI mode, I can sample trig a MIDI track fine, but only when I put it in Plays Free mode.
New Question: Flex/Static sample trigs work regardless of being in Plays Free mode – why is that? [/quote]
The true track also needs to be ‘playing’ to pass the audio through. This allows you to do slicer type effects on incoming audio. just leave a trig on the thru track at the start of the pattern. by default the hold and release should be infinite.