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You are a tattooist?

Nice animation. What software do you use?

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Very cool, there‘s this smooth dark green foggy tone in your pictures! Pretty spot on along the bright parts of the photos.
Even the pictures with a clear atmosphere or opposing colours have this beautiful misty green thing going on.

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We’re working on an album project called Red Dawn, here’s some potential album art… I can’t work out how to share a link to my Instagram page but if anyone’s interested it’s 500milligrammes


Thank you Lauli! Love your line drawings, so elegant and beautiful.
The misty thing you’re seeing might be attributed to the fact that most of my stuff is shot on film. That definitely adds a gentle softness to things, particularly highlights and colours.


Nice to hear you’re using film

I posted this in a random thread a while ago.

I’m not a visual artist normally but I designed this. It’s a model I plan to make from old wood. It’s about 6 feet wide in reality.


various photography and painting projects here:


This is wicked!

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Wow thanks! :kissing_closed_eyes:

thanks, that’s frame by frame photoshop

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I used to spend quite a lot of time screen-printing some years ago. I love the very physical aspect of it (preparing the screens, pulling the ink, the constant rinsing and drying) and it more or less kept me sane though a period of heavy stress at work. Unfortunately the workshop I had access to closed, and as other priorities entered the picture, I stopped again. Still miss it though.

While I never became a master of the art, I am still happy with these two prints - both made from my own photographs. (The first is my father, the second a beach in Bournemouth close to his childhood home.)


Here’s some of mine. I wish I had more time to draw these days. Haven’t done much visual art for the past 2-3 years. But I am progressing nicely on a new album at least! I do pencil, pen, and some watercolor. I also work in Illustrator and Photoshop on digital illustration. Comes in handy when designing album covers.


The beach image is great, looks like it’s cross processed!


Thanks! :slight_smile: It was a bit of a breakthrough when I got introduced to the dark art of CMYK-seperation. This one just worked best without the magenta layer.


There are some insanely talented people here. I used to do a lot of art - drawing, painting, airbrush, printing, sculpting. A severe hand injury put an end (well, a dramatic pause, anyway) to that. Since then, I just dabble when I can find the time. I think I’ve posted some elsewhere on this forum. Here are a couple.
Watercolour and acrylic:

Corel Painter:
Sketch for burning into the top of a Theremin: image
IPad Pro (maybe Procreate? Can’t remember):

Tiny canvases:


This is the cover for my next release, which is a pretty accurate representation of where I’m at, as far as visual art is concerned. I started with a sketch on paper, which I scanned, inked and colored and aged in photoshop with some hunk of junk tablet probably from the Bush administration.

I just started back in school, so overall quality should go up?


Yeah I’ve been tattooing for 18 years

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Uuh even cooler

What’s the story behind these?

I Like them too

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