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Thanks for sharing, cool story behind it.

Came out really good, especially considering online tools etc

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Yeah I’ve seen that show a few times, if you like you can see all my stuff on instagram:) my name on there’s @gross9978

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Taking a picture of my son is pretty difficult. He’s always moving fast when he sees someone wants to shoot him. As he was playing the fool with his sister, he noticed I was about to take the picture, but let me grab this little moment…

This picture sums up all my love for him, the infinite tenderness I can have for this little human being that made me a father. His laughs bring me an absolute joy.

In this mirror I see glimpses of myself very often.


Ha, I see what you mean. Nope, just interesting images that came to me. Illustrations for unwritten tales…


Best thing about being an architect is getting paid to draw.


Originally worked as game programmer, then studied fine arts; self-employed as artist for years. My insta story archive has loads of Elektron stuff; music was my first love =)


Recently I’ve been out of practice with drawing and painting, giving most of my free time to lanugage studies, music, and exercise. I have however continued making little things here and there mostly for music album ideas. I’ve always been interested in reusing things whether it be music samples, magazine cutouts, music gear - reusing, prepurposing. Here are a few collages cut up from manga (on PC). It started out as just a proof of concept, but snowballed a bit from there. Mostly just for aesthetic inspiration.

Can anyone name the manga?


Nice! I really dig this stuff. I’m a sucker for lines and small patterns.

I was doing some really similar things for a while. I kind of felt like it was “human generative (or algorithmic) art.” You make some simple rules for yourself, follow them, makes some mistakes (inevitable), and poof* you have something beautiful and interesting (didn’t get me into art school though lol).

What kind of pen do you usually use?

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Cool style.

Made a Instagram account finally

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Remarkable skill. Dope

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Thanks man

That’s delicious ink there

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Just an oldie from the sketchbook


Robots with screen head always make me think about FLCL, the favorite manga from my 20’s…
Nowadays it reminds me of the magnificent Saga comic book.


I draw sometimes


A few more…
Obviously I like gear. I never was trained or anything…I just love to draw and I actually do visual art these days more than music!
My IG for music and art is rhythmdroid
And for just art it’s atelierginko



Nice !

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Really cool stuff

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Some great work here from our talented community !