PreenFM 2

Good to know thanks. I’ll start saving for one

Well if anything I’d say that both the preen and the VolcaFM are “sweeter” than the DX7 in that is a cleaner less distorted version of FM
The mk1 DX7 (which are the most readily available) in particular has an almost muffled sound due the unique qualities of the DAC (probably low bit rate)

and (reading the link above) if what you really want is an accurate representation of the DX7, the VolcaFM is designed to be precisely that (with the editing of patches a secondary consideration - it’s only got one slider) and the better bet. The Preen FM is the better choice if you want to create similar sounds to the DX7 but explore beyond that… (much beyond that) on a synth designed to be edited.


Sorry I can’t help as I don’t have an OG DX7 to compare with and don’t know enough about the technicalities. But the thread I linked to above should give you an idea. Xavier has said the Preen is not meant to be a DX7 emulator so that might answer your question? Based on what I read, don’t expect the Preen to sound exactly the same as the DX7.

Am I right in thinking the PreenFM 2 has no reverb or delay ?

That’s right. There are no effects

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This is a bit late but I was just looking for something on the Preen docs site and saw this, and remembered your question. Pretty definitive ‘no’ from the designer in answer to the DX7 question (see FAQ#1).

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Hi everybody.
I’m asking to PrennFM2 owners (or ex) if it’s good for bass sound.
I really like FM bass but i didn’t find a good demo that show the capability of PFM2.
Thanks for answer.

How to know which version you have ?

Mine looks like this :

I opened it, I have R5C PCB, I guess I don’t have 24 bit DAC.

Just a noise floor change with that DAC ?

Xavier is extremely responsive on the preenfm forum, probably the best way to get correct answers about anything technical

Yep. Any patch bank list link ?
Found 5 banks in ixox site, nothing else…

You were asking about the DAC , i was just suggesting that asking Xavier on the forum would be the best way to get your answers. The documentation in general for the preen could be better, but you’ll generally get an answer to any specific questions on the forum

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Yes, but I have other questions.
No answers here ? :content:

Apparently not updated with last OS functions, fx…