Hi guys,
I’ve stumbeled upon a little problem with program changes on my octatrack in our new live rig. I use the OCT as my main sequencer and clock, and it sends direct pgm change to the A4 and AR (no problem there), it also sends program change via the midi sequencer to the Aira MX-1, TB-3, JX-03 and JU-06. This all works fine when sending out change to one of the units, but if I try to send to for instance the MX-1 and the JX-3 at the same time, it only changes program on one of them (the MX-1)
The midi routing is pretty straigth forward, I use a midi splitter so I get the signal to all units, and some thru stuff. On the OCT I set up one midi track for every unit, and it sends note data no problem. Every unit has it’s own midi channel, so it should work, shouldn’t it? I have to make a new part on the OCT for every synth I want to change program on now. But then why can I set “Channel” “Bank” and “Program” on every midi track of the Octa?
I kind of make it work in my live set with assigning 1 part to every synth that needs a pgm-change, but it’s quite limiting (since some times I might want to change both the prgrams on the JX and JU at the same time…)
Any tips? Am I doing something wrong?