Project critical settings

I played a show last night and i had some issues with sorting some erroneous settings in the beginning of the concert.

from what i’ve understood so far, settings aren’t saved (such as pitch +/- etc), or is this what sets are for?
basically i just need a panic reset for setting things to how they need to be in a serious situation.

What settings are saved and what is not saved in a Project?

Everything. Except shared samples that are sitting in the Audio Pool.

Sets are just a container. They hold nothing. All a Set is, is a folder containing a sub-folder for the Audio Pool [ AUDIO ] and one or many Project sub-folders.

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Could you confirm, that when you’re in a Set, you can’t access other Set’s sub-folders ?

Can’t you? :wink:

Thats the seperation for the logic. Ensure that only what is accessible at any point in time is contained withing the Set.

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And correct me if I’m wrong, from what I understood, projects are auto-saved in .work files, and .strd files are created when you save the project. At that state there are identical.

If you make changes, the project is auto-saved and the .work files will differ from .strd saved files, unless you reload the project, or save it again.

A new project have .work files, but don’t have .strd files before saving.
That’s it ?