PSA: Watch out for your hearing!

Tinnitus is your system making up for the lack of ‘input’ from damaged hairs in your ear. I’m sure there are better ways of explaining it. There are different types of things that can happen with the sound. Mine is a solid tone in one ear and something I could only describe as a delicate LFO on the “sine” in the other, however I have a pretty bad case. :slight_smile: I have read of people that have roaring and whooshes as well.

Personally, I experience sensitivity to high mid range sounds. Certain things like bad car speakers or cell phone/radio speakers can be pretty difficult to tolerate for one reason or another despite not being loud. Anything “tinny” sounding. You should see an audiologist to get a proper diagnosis!



Not sure if you’re showing off the ear plugs or the little leather piece ;D

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Why not both! :grin:

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Your case looks to be in the best condition :slight_smile:

Yeah I went to see the doctor who referred me to ear specialist - but could only get an appointment in 4 month’s time! (That was 2 months ago).

I thought audiologist basically test if your hearing is OK? Is it worth seeing an audiologist in the meantime?

Hard to say - my issues are multi-pronged. Hearing damage from being too reckless, but also ENT issues so my audiologist and ENT worked together to help diagnose. I will say that I went for quite some time without hearing aids due to stigma etc, and after seeing an audiologist and comparing my hearing ability to whats ‘normal’ - i signed right up for the hearing aids and it was a life changing move!


Great, thanks for that.

I do suffer from sinus as well, and my right ear has been pretty blocked for this whole time (can’t equalise it), so I’ve been hoping that that might be the cause for this, because it is absolute hell. The doctor did treat for an invection though, but when it didn’t make a difference referred me to ENT specialist.

But thanks for the advice, I think I might go and see audiologist anyway in the meantime. :+1:


I’ve got a mild case of tinnitus in both ears and it proper sucks man, especially when you are full of cold.

I don’t really notice it during the day, but if I think about it then obviously it seems more prominent.

Honestly, it sucks.


Good luck! I too have the blocked ears and its more annoying than the hearing loss itself! Hope you get things worked out!

Just did some hearing tests via YouTube videos. Not sure how accurate these are, but damn, I can’t hear anything past approximately 15.5kHz… and I’m 31! Way worse than I expected.

Well, 15 kHz ist pretty high. Suggest all the mixes sound a little “rounder” :slight_smile: Hearing too much and anything can also be painful. Like hearing any (!) power supply unit in the room (very high pitched). Or dimmers or transformators or whatever. And it gets more expensive when shopping synths :slight_smile:


I keep these in my pocket at all times. I can’t believe how many bandmates don’t wear earplugs.

I’m curious who, if any are still producing while using hearing aids in their daily life?

I’be had chronic hearing issues all my life and knew at some point I’d need them, but I didn’t think it’d be before 40…

But I have severe loss, bad persistent tinnitus, and my situation will only get worse. I’m having surgery soon to try and stabilize everything, but I’m still going to need hearing aids.

Many advice or suggestions from those who have used them?