I feel for you, that’s a blow…I’m sure they would understand your situation as everyone is affected by the pandemic in some way or another.


Make sure to tell them to put me in your place :wink: just kidding

I had not dared to make this proposal ( for me :wink: )

@wuola I’m sure they will find a solution, they seem understanding (and intelligent)

Hi:) anyone else having trouble with the midi sync? I’m using it with the Digitone and the issue is that I can’t get the loop start of the clock to be the same as digitone. As pulsar receives clock continuously it is not affected by the start of the Digitone sequencer. I have connected the lrst to the 0.25 clock devider like the manual says

Another cool demo from Mr. Devine

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Or ‘random bloopy bullshit’ as I like to call it.
Just another opinion.


Due to donation-only income I had to pass on my pulsar-23. Somebody got bumped up the list. I hope you get it asap

So I wrote them back and explained my situation and they were super nice and told me I would just need to tell them when I was ready to buy. Now, how to save 1500 € with all my gigs canceled… :sweat_smile:


That’s the exact same boat I’m in!

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Yes, this is a consequence of the Pulsar-23 having only CLK in and no signal to denote start. Further, the MIDI implementation ignores MIDI stop, continue, and start commands.

The trick, if you want to “sync to the 1” of your system is to tap the RST button in the clock section on the 1. It’s a performance instrument… even syncing is a performative element!

But it turns out that sync may not all that matter much…

If you are playing the Pulsar-23 from the metal pads and the internal Looper/Recorder (LR) - then it really doesn’t matter where the start is at all! Yes, you still need to have 0.25 patched to LRST (if you want 4 measures of 4/4) — But it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t fire at the start of a measure! That’s because the recorders are loops, and not quantized… so just play in time on the metal pads - and it’ll work because the loop length is right.

Now, if you want to use the other clock section pins, then yes, they are not going to be in alignment with your MIDI sequencer…
… But, if you are using a MIDI sequencer, and want perfectly timed triggers (what you’d use the clock pins 16, 8, & 4 for) - then you’re better off just putting those triggers in your sequencer, and using LRN on the four sections to have four notes play them.
… I actually like this as it allows me to use the LR on top of the sequenced beats, so I can play live along, or record in extra bits as I feel.

That all said, it is a bit annoying that it doesn’t sync to the one. I designed and built an open-source/open-hardware Pulsar-23 add on, the Pulsar Buddy, that lets you do a bunch neat clock tricks (like play in 7/4 time if you like) - but it also does sync it’s idea of the 1 when a clock signal stops and restarts. It also will (in an upcoming firmware release) support MIDI timing in over USB - and will handle stop, continue, and start messages.


Yeah, but if you want to take advantage of that flashing green light flashing brighter on 1, then you do want to keep track of where you start. It seems I always have to hit the LRST button, then wait for 1 to come around again to get in the groove.

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Supah Dupah got a PULSAR-23 and dropped a first video about it (will become a series later on):

Man - it’s such a lovely “toy” and would fit perfectly next to my Lyra-8. Damn pre-order waiting queues … :sob:


Nice Soma Labs tattoo–you really commit!


That Stimming video confirms my belief that I just don’t have enough time to give to this beast to ever really learn it properly. I’ll stick with my DFAM and Digitakt for all my percussive needs for now.


Stimming reviews are nr 1.

I would love a Pulsar, in a year or 2 when the hype is over maybe :sunglasses:.

Update: A combi with Lyra, Pulsar, Ciat Lonbarde, a little eurorack skiff and the trusty OT. And my setup is done. :crazy_face:


Put the Euroburo in the skiff and we are good to go :smiley:

… maybe an A4 (+ a faderfox controller) instead of the Ciat, because it’s already here and is really great for CV/Gate sequencing.

WTB: Pulsar + Euroburo

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