The demos this guy put out using the pulsar are on point as well.

i dont speak russian but most people basically say ‘it can do crazy sh£t and i have no idea how to use it’

the most normal thing it can do is 4/4 bass drum, it’d be a shame if you did that though.

Ah, sorry, of course alligator clips. That’s some kind of an internal joke back from electronics school almost 4 decades ago. A quite chaotic friend tried to force these clips into where banana plugs should go and from then on everyone in class referenced them as “banana clips”.


MIDI mapping and control is super easy (next video from Supah Dupah):


OT’s arp and 3 LFOs/track make this awesomeness even more awesomer!


But … wait. Loopop has no Pulsar-23 to review?


The pulsar seemed pretty daunting up until seeing that video. Very cool stuff!

Pretty good demo

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I’m not sure why he claims there is no quantization. I’m pretty sure you can quantize.

You can quantize but not while it’s playing. You have to stop it from running to quantize


This guy posted about quantize on YT:

"Josh Reineke
There is a quantization function - a bit esoteric but it’s in the manual. I’ve mostly sequenced mine from MIDI and used the pins for modulation, but I need to give the CV looper another crack. “BANK + L + M + one of the sensors (ADD or DEL) of the desired LR channel — will quantize the content of the channel to 16 notes. The LR will stop when this operation is performed. To start it again, use the start function. For the quantize function to work cor-rectly, please make sure that the LR is aligned with the clock dividers!! To do this, press the RST button on the CLOCK module before recording, and\or connect the LRST pin to the 0.25 output of the clock divider, and use a metronome during the recording!“

It’s really a peculiar choice that quantization/live quantisation is not properly implemented. It would have made it usable to a lot more people I think.

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I think I’d sequence it externally.
That demo sounded nice with distortion / delay kicking in.id love one but I’m not sure I can justify the cost unless I sold lots of other boxes. (Rytm , analog 4, nord gear just to cover the cost )

I think quantization was an afterthought that he added due to popular demand, so he crowbarred it into the interface in a clumsy, though functional, way.


Update on production timeline … I preordered last December … 1871 folks ahead of me , but they seem to be at a 600 unit pm production rate at SOMA EU …so do the maths :open_mouth:

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Does the architecture allow for firmware updates?

I don’t know. Doesn’t seem like there is any for Lyra 8 though


yeah fits into Vlad’s instrument ethos … violin’s don’t have firmware :stuck_out_tongue:


There’s a bit of a queue…ha

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I made this simple jam a while back: