“…i will have to emulate the quneo, as i don’t own one.”
If you need help translating my mess of a patch just
let me know… I left a bunch of extra number boxes in there so it would be easier for someone to see whats going on in the patch too.
I also see that I left a bunch of stuff over on the right in the PD patch thats not even hooked up. Ooops. Thats why I’m a musician and not a programmer
“did you get consistent triggering behaviour for all slice playing orders?”
Definitely not. When playing any two slices that are next to each other its no problem, 100% accuracy.
when playing through all the slices from low to high in order 100% accuracy.
When skipping slices in ascending order it starts playing a ‘ghost preceding’ slice on the first hit and then fires the right slice on the second hit. this ‘ghost preceding’ slice starts to get gradually farther away from intended slice the more slices you skip over between the first slice you play and the second slice you play.
Descending slices in order works 100%
Skipping slices in descending order works the same as ascending order.
When in Realtime Record mode it gets even more strange as the slices are fighting not just the preceding slice message, but the recorded slice messages too.
edit:{ when in realtime record mode, even though you are hearing the wrong slice, the correct slice is being recorded}
Although its kind of chaotic, I kind of like it. You pound out some beats and get surprised a little bit. I got so inspired by the first beat I made with this I grabbed my guitar and immediately wrote out the skeleton of a new song. I guess a little chaos can be a good thing too
“it all seems to boil down to the way note/CC message priorities within OT are assigned. so depending on the order you input notes defined by CC17, the notes can “hang”. it would be good news if you found a solution to this problem.”
i saw that, You guys inspired me! haha
I will definitely be doing some more work… I don’t think I will solve it, but I’ve learned a lot about pure data in the process so its totally worth it.
“by “not working for me” did you mean you didn’t get it to work? if yes, what was the problem?”
I’m pretty sure my controller is set for a different
note range than your patch was configured for. Im
using notes 1-64 in my quneo patch and on my Pure
data Quneo template.
Thats the kind of lazy I am… Instead of reprogram the quneo or plug in my keyboard, I made this patch instead