Push 2 & Live 9.5

Wow, looks so dope. Just stumbled over the news.
Just ordered a Push 2 :imp: killer combo with OB (me tinks)

here have a look or two



Happy days :joy:

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Youve just cost me an trade in of a push! :slight_smile: I assume the 9.5 is free

Yes, 9.5 is free. It appears in my ableton user account.

I always think they could have made the controller twice as smallā€¦

PUSH trade in is a really great move. I am gonna trade in my spare unit :imp:

and it gets even better


ā€œfree-flowing sync that worksā€ :+1:

The trade in is great. Put my oder in almost immediately after the announcement! Iā€™ve since had someone wanting to buy my Push 1 so will have to see if Abelton will let me do that and pay the difference. Dont see why it would be a problem.

I recall i paid 499 euros for my original Push and with the trade in its just under 490 so it looks like the 699 price is rather inflated.

2 things spring to mind to sort of explain why. 1- the colour screens. These will increase the price somewhat. 2 - Akai are apparently no longer involved with these so Iā€™d imagine production costs will be highly.
Not looking to justify things but can sort of see where the price hike is coming.

Didnt say rise the price for suite 9 last year as well? from 499ā‚¬ to 640ā‚¬?

I really like my Push 1, but i donā€™t see why I should upgrade , what does the improved display do for me ? Showing the sample, and what then?
The layout seems similar, so what is the real benefit ?

Yes, it is slightly more expensive than Push1, but the hole trade in action in itself is a great move. The charity aspect of it. Plus ->Live 9.5 is a free update and there is alot of stuff included for the PUSH1,too. Itā€™s not like you will have to buy the new PUSH2

The new Push doesnā€™t make the old one useless. Itā€™s just the the next logical step. But have a look for yourself.

Ableton Push 2: First Look (Point Blank)

Peter of cdm

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I like the new screens and IMO the build looks even more elegant than the mk 1 push.
However, I would like to know whether itā€™s possible to control the screens from M4L before considering a purchase. Also, it seems that USB bus powered operation is no longer possible with the mk 2?

The ability to slice, load samples as well as VSTs make Push 2 a serious consideration.

and for those who donā€™t need pushā€¦ there isnā€™t actually so much to find in this updateā€¦

well then iā€™ll stick to bitwig

For all no Push users there is

Better sampling with Simpler
Improved waveforms and coloring
Peak and RMS meters
Analog-modeled filters
More sounds, samples, and drums
New Max Essentials
Play in time with Link

well i ordered it as I do like the fact that my push will help someone else.

maybe not twice, but i agree w/ you.
itā€™s a bit too large.[/quote]
itā€™s too big. it seems even a little bigger then push 1. plus they added the need for a power supply and made it even less portable with that. i am not happy about that. maybe the power hungry screen is a little more helpful for producing tracks, but for performing it is more hassles with the added power supply. but itā€™s called ableton LIVE innit??

Dangā€¦ Looks great. Anyone know if they added ability to use push when ableton is rewire slave? Not a deal breaker but would be very convenient for some sessions. It was one of the reasons I didnā€™t buy push 1. Most of my other issues with it seem to have been fixed in the new one thoughā€¦

control screensā€¦ it doesnā€™t process the current sysex messages, apparently needs a display buffer sent via USB. this is a real shame, means it could be less ā€˜hackableā€™ than the Push 1ā€¦ so Iā€™m now not sure I want to trade the Push 1 in, but perhaps keep it for other uses.
of course, there are no details of the display USB protocol yet, apart from its not midiā€¦ so we will have to wait to see if it can still be used by other apps.

USB bus powered, CDM says it works but its much dimmer than the Push 1.
(unsurprising more power going to display), so more an ā€˜emergencyā€™ only usage.

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