Push rotary encoders for Machinedrum & Analog 4 MKI - replacement part

I dont know it certain as aI do not have MM. But I would bet really high that they do.

Anyway. Why not opening MM? Take some pictures and/or measurements and check against the data sheet.

I’m afraid I’ll break something. It was not cheap and I love it.
I should do that, thank you!

do you want a full video tutorial how to sold in new encoders for a Machiendrum? i created a tut a couple of years ago.

That would be really great! Thank you!

i need to find it on my external drive first. currently not connected to my PC. send me a PM tomorrow

Sorry to dig up this conversation. Anyone find a part number for Elektron silicon knobs (not encoders) for the MK2 black versions of the analog series. To be honest I am customizing a DIY device and would like the knobs. Thanks.

I would also advice getting in contact with Elektron support, ordered a silicon knob Kit yesterday


Great thread!

Did anybody of you ever change the buttons?
I asked the Elektron support: 4€ each!

Does anybody maybe have a specification of the buttons in order to look for a cheaper alternatives?



I have been looking for buttons some time ago. Apparently they are manufactured by Marquardt:




Unfortunately I cannot confirm if this info as I have not been replacing the switches so far. But someone on the forum said that 6425.0101 are use in OT MKI.

Also MEC is manufacturing similar type of switches.

Just looking over this thread.
Elektron were excellent When I asked for a set of replacement encoders.
In one of the comments on the Reddit thread someone mentions using chip quik alloy to remove the encoders. Has anyone tried that? Is methodically destroying the old encoders as per the video the best way ?

They kinda “click” into the PCB, so yeah, destroying them is by far the easiest solution, unless you have a very good desoldering tool. I tried with a pump and some desoldering wick, but could not get into the cracks where the legs clipped to the board. Not worth the effort imo. It’s a shame because I had newish encoders on my old board before I replaced it entirely. Could have used them for Arduino projects :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thanks for such a detailed reply, and the video. Really helpful. Appreciate it

Hi there!
I could not find any convincing answers to my question.
Does someone know if the encoders for Analog Four Mk1 (or Keys) are the same as the ones for Analog Rytm Mk1?
Thanks. Cheers! X

According to Martin from Elektron, they are the same.