Q about setup

Im thinking about my future setup. My question about routing, especially for live gig. Will appreciate if someone could help or can test this (or similar) routing setup. Much thanks lads!

Bass -> Hx stomp -> octa input ab

Vocal -> octa input c

Main L -> bass T4

Main R -> bass T5

Cue L -> vox T2 thru, T3 neighbor

Cue R -> drum sample T1 flex (a loop basically)

T6: some sample background

T7: looper

T8: Master track

Im a single man band, so thinking how can i do it right. This will be my home and stage setup. If you have thoughts about another ways to get my mind setup to work, please write down.
Main reason about octa is drum sample loop playback in tempo with other stuff
Ps: sold octa 1 year ago, thinking about new one, so thats why i cant test it

Nobody know?

I don’t understand your question. Can you ask it a different way?


… what does this part mean?

I am in the same moment, trying to figure out a setup… but i have the OT. Are you asking if buying the OT would be a smart move to achieve this setup?
I guess you already figured your setup so unless you try it i don’t really understand the question either.

Are you planning to reinject the Main out in the OT? Are R and L meaning A and B inputs?

Heres what i mean:

Bass from input a is T4 and going to main out L

Bass from input b is T5 and going to main out R

vox from input c is T2 thru, T3 neighbor and going to Cue out L

drum sample T1 flex (a loop basically) is going to Cue out R

Everything from outs is going in mixer ( for example)

Main question, is this routing possible? Or its bs?

It wouldn’t just be bass from input a and b going to main L and R if you also have other tracks (as in your first post).

Totally possible to have each output going to a separate mixer input though.

Anything not going out of a cue output would come out of a main output. Hope this helps :+1:

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Helped me, thank you!

Ok, I understand now.

You want
T1 -> cue 1
T2 -> T3 -> cue 2
(T4, T5, T6, T7) -> T8 -> main 1/2

Seems fine.

There are two output modes: “normal” and “studio”. In “normal”, the Cue output works like a DJ mixer cue output: it’s the alternate output; you switch tracks out of master, into cue. In “studio” mode, it’s more like the cue is “just some output”: you can choose how much signal goes to main or cue using level control & panning on each track.

Thats great! Thank you! Much appreciated, going to hunt mk2 from now.
Thank you very much guys

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u can’t really split the main output once u got the mastertrack function involved…

and u really don’t have to…what makes the ot great, also in a one man live band solution, is that u can really get one overall mix nailed, that u can handle out to any kind of pa or foh and ur always good to go…

there’s no real point in giving out single signals splitted up again, once it’s all mangled in the ot…
use the main outs from the mastertrack to sum up ur signal, glue compress it, or eq it or have the option to “grab” ur mix at once to filter or freeze delay it…

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@reeloy, good point. Not always ive got a good mix guy in live situation, so i thought it will be easier for him to rule the sound. But i never thought that i should it your way. I think your solution is cleaner for me, so i give it a try at least. Thank you for response

You can also choose the levels for CUE and Main in normal mode, it is just displayed/managed a bit differently.

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