I can’t find an example about this anywhere so hopefully someone can help. So I’ve been live sampling my guitar into OT while it’s running and everything is fine. However, what if I wanted to play along with the metronome and have a count in before I start recording? For example, the sequencer is stopped, I want to start sampling when I start the sequencer but I want a preroll. I went in and set up the metronome correctly but I’m stuck. I have Quick Recording mode on. So instead of hitting Rec and Play, would I just hit the Rec 1 button and then it will give me a count and start recording? I think I may have just answered my own question. If not, any assistance will be appreciated very much.
Yeah you’ve answered your own question, but you need to configure the metronome properly. Turn pre roll ON . There’s a bunch of settings for it.
Yeah I did that. I just blanked when it came time to actually start the thing. And I had just done it successfully with the sequencer running (which should be more difficult to grasp, no?). Thanks for your help (me)
You also have the option QREC in Rec2 menu that allows you to start playing before but start the recording after a given number of steps or when the pattern restarts. Very useful when playing guitar.
For instance i don’t use recording trig, i just manually trigger the recording with Qrec on Pattern and that gives me time to take the guitar, start playing a bit before the recording starts.
Do you mean when sequencer is running? If so then yes, that’s exactly what I’ve been doing. I start the sequence, get myself ready and when it gets about halfway through I hit record. What was funny to me is I had that method down, which would seem to be more advanced than starting with a count. I just blanked for a minute. But what I just realized is I need to make it easier on myself and forget about doing impressive live sampling or making a cool video. I need to slow down and just make some music. There will be time for all the fancy stuff later.
With PREROLL you can use a one shot rec trig to start the recording.
Yes i meant with the sequencer running. It seems to me much easier to loop like that rather than with a metronome count but everyone his own way